Reviews for Her Battle
castle2126 chapter 3 . 11/3/2021
How bloody hypocrite Martha can be to his own son and if he did something like this she would be all over him for hurting Beckett and here she is defending someone who plays with her son's heart and had messed with him so bad. Really is it all psuedo feminism that Martha is, she talks about rights and being a girl she has gotten certain rights and can take advantage of those bur when it's comes to responsibility she wipes her hands clean like now when she is defending Beckett. And really for moment lets forget about how much she hurt Castle by her disappearance gor two months but why run aways next morning after all she was the one who was begging Castle to make it stop and wants to sleep in same bed as Castle. Fucking hypocrite
RCKBNFSK chapter 15 . 7/9/2021
Lyn you are a very talented writer. I'm sure by this point you are a successful attorney. If your schedule ever allows it there are many people out here that would love to see more of your work! Thank you for making this an enjoyable day.

Best regards

jfrost22792 chapter 3 . 4/1/2017
I've never understood why Castle is the one that has to constantly deal with Kate's actions like they're somehow his fault. Is her character simply that unable to deal with her own actions.
cecilia pellick chapter 15 . 3/13/2017
you have out done your self again
Guest chapter 15 . 2/28/2017
This is still a favorite. I really liked the way you dealt with their issues. Thank you!
AleciaB chapter 15 . 12/9/2016
Cute story. I read it in a day which means I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing
AleciaB chapter 5 . 12/8/2016
It's good. Just a small note. When a person is sick as you have described their hands or extremities are cold and their tummy is warm to touch. Not consuming food properly causes lack of body heat, and not moving about much does not create heat. Vomiting there would have been changes in her temp ranging from clammy to cold. He would think she was cold to touch. Takes energy to mend so what is consumed is focussed on repairing.
NCClark chapter 15 . 10/27/2016
I really enjoyed his story! Thank you!
NCClark chapter 8 . 10/27/2016
I am really loving this story! So them! Thank you. Please continue!
ethcreal chapter 15 . 6/24/2016
You are an amazing writer, you know that right? This story is so beautiful andthe characters are on point, I could practically see the scene unfold in front of me. Well done.
spaceman-earthgirl chapter 15 . 3/9/2016
I'm sad that this fic is over, it was a great read. I loved the depth you went into the characters and their feelings and showed them healing and growing together. Thanks for writing.
Terry chapter 15 . 2/8/2016
Very moving and in character story. Wonderful reading.
Terry chapter 10 . 2/7/2016
I am enjoying the story and the dialogue very much. This is a great story line!
Ky03elk chapter 15 . 12/26/2015
"I couldn't have done that without you," she say truthfully but he shakes his head and brushes a piece of hair behind her hear, curls his fingers there.

"You could have. But I'm glad you didn't."

I'm so very glad she didn't, and you changed thier outcome in such a beautiful, honest and very real way. I really enjoyed that story, thank you.
Ky03elk chapter 14 . 12/26/2015
It's different today. So much different. They crawl into the same side and he doesn't even hesitate to pull her into his arms. She's not crying today. She looks happy, despite everything, she's smiling, she looks like a woman in love. God knows, he's in love with her.

Oh my heart may explode from the joy of it all. Yes the road has ups and downs but they are holding hands as they ride the emotions and it's all so good!
Thank you
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