Reviews for Fire in the Blood
Kellybird24 chapter 19 . 11/5/2016
Guest chapter 19 . 10/8/2016
I know you writted this a long time ago and let me tell you that i've read a lot of fanfics about Bethyl but this is by far THE BEST! This is exactly how i imagined their relationship, for real, Thank you so much for creating this.
Much Love from México
silver-sky88 chapter 19 . 9/17/2016
I really enjoyed your story. I found all of the characters believable and I felt the conflict that you gave Beth was well told and not over dramatised.
saintfudge chapter 19 . 6/22/2016
Thanks for sharing ..I hate when fics end lol
The 5 of Spades chapter 13 . 4/26/2016
Damn it, Daryl.
The 5 of Spades chapter 3 . 4/26/2016
The 5 of Spades chapter 2 . 4/26/2016
I like this. It feels like slow burn, but I've never liked a slow burn much like this before- if it even is one. Maybe I'm just impatient. Anyway... this is really good.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/22/2016
Really great story!
Katie chapter 19 . 3/30/2016
This was beyond perfect. Everything that I wanted in a Bethyl story. Thank you times a thousand! Great job!
emerald1921 chapter 19 . 3/28/2016
Fantastic Story! Loved every bit of it. Thank you
Twilight's Enchantress chapter 19 . 12/23/2015
I LOVED this story! I have read all your Bethyl stories...Your a great writer, for this couple!
fritzo chapter 3 . 12/20/2015
Great story... re-reading it... again, I really do enjoy your tales. Anyway, just wanted to say, loved the Keith Richards reference... I think I've heard both of those sayings in equal measure. ;)
Ambrosia29 chapter 16 . 12/18/2015
Nataliia chapter 13 . 12/12/2015
Hi, I've read this amazing novel and I really wanna translate it in Russian for public on our ficbook's site. I so in love with Bethil pairing and I think that your fic is so awesome. ))Thank you and feel free to contact with me via email if you interested on my translation)))
Ambrosia29 chapter 11 . 12/10/2015
*toes curling* "Ain't gonna be sleepin' somewhere without you" OMG your fluff makes me just melt and go all gooey. It's ridiculous.
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