Reviews for A Son Forgotten - Hiatus
Sahamosveb chapter 6 . 12/12/2024
It's not a very good fanfic. The reason Naruto is "forgotten" is idiotic. The behaviour of his family is cringe. The powers the author gave Naruto are illogical, clichéd nonsense.
Nyctophilicme chapter 43 . 12/3/2024
This fic has me so lost & conflicted. Idk if I want Naruto to be an independently strong individual or building bonds & family.
The way this fic started, I thought it'll be the first one, but it kept switching back & forth. At least it's definite that he's not gonna be a recluse.
I felt it a bit anti-climactic when hiroku died so early cuz I thought he'd be the main antagonist second to Madara.
Either way it was so cool. I await ur return!
Nyctophilicme chapter 40 . 12/3/2024
Ooh, he's gonna obliterate him!
Nyctophilicme chapter 39 . 12/3/2024
Finally the most amazing arc is starting!
Nyctophilicme chapter 35 . 12/3/2024
I can't remember if there was a disclaimer warning about the harem in this fic.
As much I'm liking the story, I'm getting frustrated & annoyed by harem.
Nyctophilicme chapter 34 . 12/3/2024
Yes! Finally they meet!
Nyctophilicme chapter 33 . 12/3/2024
Oh fuck, i don't like her. I hoped it'd to be narumi. I don't like that hiruko's creation! I'm not fond of harem either, the story was too interesting to interesting to drop it but I can't stand it anymore. Not with her. Fucking hell, call him 'nii-chan' & dream of wedding him?
Nyctophilicme chapter 30 . 12/2/2024
Unfortunately I couldn't post this comment on the last chp. So here it is, comment for chp 29:-
What?! Is that some bio-human they engineered or was one of the sisters really got captured?

Now for this chp:-
Argh, I hate this frickin trope! This fic does this each & everytime I start loving the story, it does something stupid like this & makes me hate it.
Nyctophilicme chapter 29 . 12/2/2024
I just know I'm gonna love this arc already.
Nyctophilicme chapter 25 . 12/2/2024
I feel so conflicted. I'm happy he got a second life buy I was happy before when things were going good for the Uzumaki-Namikaze Family.
Nyctophilicme chapter 23 . 12/2/2024
I don't like the foreshadowing in this chp. I'm starting to not like this upcoming arc either. Naruto's either gonna bdcome a missing nin, become erased from everyone's mind, started getting treated worse then before, get hated on or banished or the worse, controlled.
Nyctophilicme chapter 19 . 12/2/2024
Did he really summon a dragon?!
Nyctophilicme chapter 12 . 12/1/2024
That was so cute & funny.
Nyctophilicme chapter 11 . 12/1/2024
Oh! It's only now I realized that wasn't Orochimaru's curse mark! Isn't Hiruko the one with mind controlling or puppet jutsu? It reminded me of Kakashi.
Nyctophilicme chapter 10 . 12/1/2024
Fucking hell. No way!
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