Reviews for Remnant's Reclaimer
Guest chapter 24 . 12/27/2024
"Qrow agreed, sipping at his own shot much more conservatively. Unlike Tai-Yang, who had the stature of a bear and the constitution to match, Qrow was much smaller and would find himself flat on his ass if he consumed more than a handful of shots, so he chose to savour what little he could handle."

In hindsight, lol

lmao even
susgo chapter 4 . 12/17/2024
WBY: What you got there?
Rose: (completely clueless) a smoothy!
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 12/9/2024
Hey there! I hope you're doing great!

I just finished reading your story Remnant's Reclaimer, and I absolutely loved it! I'd be thrilled to adapt it into my comic style or even animation. I'd work on it as a commission, and I think you'd really enjoy the final result something you might even want to share!

I'm a digital artist open for commissions and have a few spots available. I work on various types of artwork, my rates are reasonable, and I always deliver high-quality pieces. If you're interested, let’s discuss it further!

You can reach me here:
- Discord: baran59354
- DeviantArt: baran59354
- Twitter: ZoyeZest
- Instagram: baran59354

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Shadowstorm-Vash chapter 30 . 11/7/2024
Every few months I check in on this story hoping it will continue.
I always like this story and now looking back I like it even more for the divergent lore and character descriptions. The writing is amazing hopefully one day the author will return.
That said I highly recommend this story for any RWBY fans. The story is action packed, funny and has amazing character moments.
GeraltRex chapter 30 . 10/23/2024
Really enjoyed this story. Very dynamic with a strong world building, glad to see JNPR were not forgotten, with Nora getting the best mentor ever!
Sad to see it stop, and I think I am about 8 years too late to write an encouraging review that would help inspire another chapter to be written.
KirikoLikesDonuts chapter 30 . 9/21/2024
This is probably one of the oldest RWBY fanfics I've read, and overall I loved it. it's still worth a read and looking at the last update it probably didn't like where the show was heading. This fic relies on volume 2-3 canon, and it's fucking gold.
Locothehood chapter 30 . 9/6/2024
This was really good shame it ran out.
guest chapter 6 . 8/3/2024
Dunno if you're still here to read comments, author, but I'll comment anyway.

Clumsy infodump is clumsy but the plot outlined here beats what happened in actual rwby. It really would've been better off without later nonsense like relics and gods and maidens. So you can get kudos despite the hamhandedness of your exposition.
Aetherium21 chapter 28 . 6/7/2024
Okay this is solid work. Nice character development and detail
Aetherium21 chapter 16 . 6/7/2024
Awh man, the premise of the story sounded really interesting. But it feels like the majority of content is built around a lesbian smut story
Nullblaster chapter 23 . 4/15/2024
She... She hit a mother fucker with another mother fucker.

atandt67 chapter 30 . 11/24/2023
Hmmm. Great story so far. How are you going to intergrate Vol. 5 - 9 tho?
joshjoe chapter 13 . 10/17/2023
I enjoy time travel stories, but I continually find this one jarring. In general, changing the sexual orientation of a character who's preferences are established in canon usually feels shoehorned, often to the point of feeling like "that character in name only". When you take five different characters, all who have defined sexual orientations in the show, and flip all their orientations, I feel like I can barely recognize them at all any more. On top of that, while people certainly can change as the grow up, taking shy Ruby, and turning her into an uber-vamp just drives the dissonance home that much further.

It also feels like a bait and switch. The description of the story focuses on time travel, but really it feels almost incidental to the story so far. It feels like it would be more accurate to describe it as "the story of how RWBY suddenly all becomes lesbians." The time travel feels like window dressing; it serves as an excuse to bring in a horny older Ruby, but isn't what the story is actually about.

Honestly? The story description needs a serious re-write, because it's pretty misleading.
RaptorReaper chapter 9 . 9/27/2023
I swear if you make rose and glynda a thing...

But seriously though this is awesome
TPoynt chapter 6 . 8/6/2023
It’s always fascinating reading a fic that was written before Volume 3, so the writer didn’t know Salem existed.
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