Reviews for Breaking Novikov
Glumski chapter 50 . 2/11/2016
Well, I guess the cat's out of the bag now. At least partially. And I'm really wondering what exactly the time bubbles are going to be.
It's also great to know that you're using the non-headache-inducing variety of time travel. I was a little worried. :D
So... next Sunday. That's nice.
bwburke94 chapter 50 . 2/11/2016
These last few chapters have just been... wow.
ein chapter 49 . 2/9/2016
Noooo don't stop there, it was just getting interesting!
windbreaking chapter 50 . 2/11/2016
Wow poor Dawn... what a burden
Guest chapter 24 . 2/8/2016
Happy b-day!
Guest chapter 19 . 2/7/2016
Can we (you) kill He who shall not be allowed to ever have love again even though he comes back with a wife? PLEASE?
esmejasper chapter 49 . 2/7/2016
Dun dun dun is right! My first review but I've been reading for yonks, and thoroughly enjoying :) yours is one if the very few fics that I read as soon as I get the email ;)
RAGAnne chapter 49 . 2/6/2016
Ooh, major time craziness is now apparent to everyone. I'm so excited!
windbreaking chapter 49 . 2/6/2016
Oh- my- that is a twist of twists
Glumski chapter 49 . 2/6/2016
You're really doing your worst to make us use a lot of expletives, aren't you? *sigh*
Great chapter. And great cliffhanger, I guess. Mid-week... hrmm.
bwburke94 chapter 49 . 2/6/2016
Dawn mentioned something she shouldn't know, and this is likely to be her undoing if I'm reading this right...
Anon chapter 48 . 1/31/2016
I'd be really interested in reading A! Great chapter.
RAGAnne chapter 48 . 1/31/2016
Wow, Spike's vision makes me nervous in a way the others haven't. What doesn't it mean in the grand scheme of what's happening to reality? Dun dun dun! I'm thrilled that somebody will finally try to share that they've been having these visions with somebody else though.

As for your WIPs, I never got into the comics (living happily in the AUs of FFN) so I don't really have strong opinions of c or d. Both a and b intrigue me though. So . . . write what makes you happy. :)
momnesia chapter 48 . 1/31/2016
Loved this chapter. Actually really the entire story. Not the usual "fix what's wrong and make everyone happy". Enough plot twists to keep everyone on their toes.

As far as the future fics, I love the idea of Spike dusting Drusilla, and Giles insisting it is a big deal. . . after all, didn't Giles say it was a "big deal" when Angel dusted Darla in Season 1? And, of course, Buffy ate it up!
Glumski chapter 48 . 1/31/2016
Somehow this is full of foreboding. I'm not exactly sure why but it feels as if something immensely dark and depressing is coming. (I hope more dark than depressing, 'cause I'm not a huge fan of the angsty stuff...)
Cocerning your next project: Both (a) and (b) sound very interesting to me. I don't really know anything about the comics, so (c) and (d) are kind of out by default, but Avengers-crossovers are pretty much always enjoyable and even though (a) sounds a little generic, I'm sure it will be anything but!
You should probably just do whatever you want. It's going to be awesome anyway.
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