Reviews for Breaking Novikov
aidni chapter 48 . 8/7/2016
please do a and b pleaaaaaaaase :) love this
aidni chapter 36 . 8/6/2016
ok i want you to know how much i love this-honestly wow :) quick question-aren't fraternal twins identical twins? thanks for the story, you have a real talent
zenobia2 chapter 20 . 8/2/2016
Nop, he is in for kittens.
AntiCreator chapter 76 . 7/26/2016
A thoroughly enjoyable story. I personally think Spike should get that soul. With Buffy and Dawn by his side I'm sure he can adjust quicker than he did in canon which according to Angel was still quick. 'I spent a hundred years feeling guilt for what I did, you what, spent a few weeks going crazy in a basement?' Or something like that.
AntiCreator chapter 66 . 7/25/2016
Gotta admit. I'd rather see (or read) the heart to hearts but I understand your reasoning. Still enjoying this story. Thought a few chapters ago that maybe some of the visions they've all been seeing are possibly from the future that they're heading towards. Guess I'll find out at the end but a couple of those spuffy possessions are things I'd like to see happen for real.
AntiCreator chapter 31 . 7/23/2016
I am enjoying this story though. It's a different enough concept and I so love how you made Dawn Buffy's twin in this time line. Thanks for the entertainment so far.
AntiCreator chapter 20 . 7/22/2016
You're thinking of Blade when you said that removing a vampires 'parts' means they turn to dust once removed from the body. That doesn't happen in the Buffy-verse. Remember in Angel when the crazy slayer cut off Spike's hands. They were still whole and just had to be sewn back on by Wolfram and Hart.
Chilltaco chapter 76 . 7/14/2016
Finally got the ending I wanted. Stupid show, makes me all sad.
RmsThakoer chapter 76 . 7/12/2016
I love this story. Pretty much everything about it. There's not alot of fanfiction that draws my attention and focus as well as yours has around. Well, there is, but there is so much that doesn't on here, that it's hard to find the truly amazing ones.

I'm glad i found this one buried amongst all the fanfiction that couldn't draw my attention, thank you for the amazing experience, and sharing your universe with me and all the other readers.
Tennyo Dalucia chapter 76 . 7/4/2016
It has been a long time since I read a Spuffy fic. And When I was thinking about Spike and Buffy recently I realized I really, REALLY wanted to read a time travel story that was GOOD.

You delivered on both fronts. I am so, SO impressed. Thank you.
Sunkissu9 chapter 76 . 6/12/2016
Just finished your story... Loved it!
Thank you for sharing.
Guest chapter 76 . 6/7/2016
Thank you for sticking with the story, think it turned out really well, enjoy writing what ever makes you happy, but if you feel like writing another dawn fic go for it
whiters chapter 76 . 6/5/2016
Great story and wonderful ending! I've probably been more of a stalker during this story but I have loved every part of it. Thank you for seeing it through. As one author to another, I know how difficult that can be. Good work!
Taste like Special chapter 76 . 6/1/2016
I can't believe it's over thank you for writing it was an amazing story and I can't wait to read more in the future
YouthINaisa6 chapter 76 . 5/31/2016
this story is by far the best story I have ever read. period. you did a fantastic job and it felt like I was watching an episode every chapter only better written. thank you thank you for writing this. I love it so much. you are an awesome writer. I hope you write more spuffy soon!
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