Reviews for Breaking Novikov |
Glumski chapter 69 . 5/8/2016 Nghh, you seriously end the chapter with a phone call? Evil! Great chapter, though. |
RAGAnne chapter 69 . 5/7/2016 Evil cliffhanger is evil! My first guess would be Angel calling out of "concern" for Buffy. I'm not sure who my second guess would be. Thank goodness Buffy and Spike were able to have an adult conversation about their misunderstandings. Maybe they're both maturing after all. The thought of Dawn and Andrew still gives me the giggles but I suppose they'll work out whatever their relationship is supposed to be. |
Forever-Furuba chapter 69 . 5/7/2016 I'm going to go ahead and guess Angel's trying to call Giles because he thinks Spike's got Buffy captured or enthralled or something, or one of the Scoobies not at the Magic Box is calling to check in because something big happened, or it's Joyce from one of the time pockets. |
pls chapter 67 . 5/4/2016 "Not that she judged, but could a bisexual person ever be happy with one significant other? Wouldn't they always be looking at people of whichever gender their partner wasn't?" wtf |
rawrbooks chapter 68 . 5/5/2016 I love this story so much! Thank you for making the relationships in this story so strong and the characters so believable (: |
RAGAnne chapter 68 . 5/5/2016 Yep Buffy's still Buffy and Spike's still Spike . . . and apparently Giles is still Giles. Because if this is his idea, why would he JUST talk to Buffy about it rather than bring it up to the whole group? *sigh* Somehow I don't think Dawn is going to be thrilled with any of them. Again. |
Forever-Furuba chapter 68 . 5/5/2016 The manifestation of Big Ben in Sunnydale suggests there might now be extreme spacial distortions as well as distortions in time. On the other hand, Xander might not be able to tell Big Ben from any other big impressive clocktower, so maybe he was just seeing a timeline where California isn't as prone to earthquakes or really tall buildings can survive them better. I'm glad Buffy's recognizing her need for closure from her first relationship. The whole "It's better if we don't say goodbye" bull really robbed her of that. (Robbed both of them, really.) "What, so because /you/ don't like goodbyes, /I/ don't deserve closure for 'us' ending and you leaving town?" |
Taste like Special chapter 68 . 5/5/2016 Oh insecurities... Can't wait for the update -Spec!al |
Izzy chapter 67 . 5/2/2016 Yaaay more Dawn/Andrew dynamics! Ha, as a bisexual, that's not how it works Dawnie. Look forward to the next chapter :) |
Glumski chapter 67 . 5/3/2016 Aww, that was far cuter than it has any right to be! And I really didn't see the storm coming, though in hindsight it makes so much sense! Very nice chapter, and YAY for more frequent updates! |
Taste like Special chapter 67 . 5/1/2016 Can't wait for the update -Spec!al |
tfranco9 chapter 67 . 5/1/2016 So amazing! I love so much! Spike is so perfect! And hot! More more please more! |
RAGAnne chapter 67 . 4/30/2016 So the time phenomena is more side effect than Big Bad after all. That does make it significantly harder to fight. Yikes! I am intrigued and amused by Dawn's Andrew musings. It's interesting what glimpses into possible futures might lead one to consider. And the Spuffy stuff was lovely. I continue to be excited and saddened that we're coming to the end of this story. |
bwburke94 chapter 67 . 4/30/2016 We're finally getting to the home stretch, I see. Anyway, was the term "zompires" taken from the comics, or did you come up with it on your own? |
Izzy chapter 66 . 4/25/2016 I'm really enjoying the therapy sessions tbh :) and the idea of Dawn and Andrew becoming friends, I liked their dynamic in season 7. Keep up the excellent work x |