Reviews for Champion of a Distant Dream
ThornMaiden chapter 23 . 12/6/2020
I just found this and read it all in one sitting, and I want to say that I love it! I love how Shirou is trying to live even though it's hard for him. I love how he's trying to reconnect to the world even though he's sifting thru the memories of other worlds. And I certainly wasn't expecting Saber to show up! I don't know much about Campione so I've mostly just been picking up context clues, but you've written this very well, and I wanted to say that!
Guest chapter 23 . 11/23/2020
This was the worst spot to end
Guest chapter 22 . 11/23/2020
Godous a bitch in this fic not gonna lie. Why did he even get that much screen time if he was just gonna go off the deep end like thay
Guest chapter 16 . 11/23/2020
Yeah um two problems with your fight scenes. One, too many last second win techniques. Two, you dont really explain about how characters are able to do the things they do
Guest chapter 16 . 11/23/2020
How would his circuits be sealed away? If anything his affinity to Steel and related abilities should be sealed not his magic circuits.
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 17 . 11/5/2020
have you tried desolate era?
MetalBatt chapter 1 . 10/10/2020
So the SWORD that seperated from him is the one that appears in Protector if Zero? Interesting.
Crainium9 chapter 10 . 8/8/2020
I don’t get why you use shirou when he doesn’t have his abilities or major character death both are. A major turn off and why I’m stopping reading so good luck but I now hate your story
kirigallak chapter 23 . 8/7/2020
I'll be waiting for how it ends, you are a good writer and I loved your work, I ask your permission to translate it to wattpad so that more people know about your work, thanks for your marvelous work, it has a space in my heart, I also want to ask, what happened to liliana? I was waiting for Shiro to consume the king of the end so that they would end up being one but it is your work and I have no control of it but despite my personal taste I loved it ... thanks
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2020
Where true magic? What true magic shirou use ? Fucking idiot ! You idiot author stupid bastard ass hole idiot! TRASH!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/1/2020
Where reality marble ? Idiot author fucking idiot really idiot! You make MC USELESS! Fucking idiot! Fuck you! Fuck you stupid author
TheIdeator chapter 18 . 7/13/2020
So , do you like sao ? I'm pretty sure the 16 hit combo was SS and now link start makes it more likely.
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 16 . 6/30/2020
g o o oo od ch p
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 15 . 6/30/2020
uzumaki.namikaze10 chapter 14 . 6/30/2020
goooooood c h p
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