Reviews for The Son of Hestia
eulijah.jones chapter 32 . 1/21
Me and Charles being the last people here:...
eulijah.jones chapter 30 . 1/8
Wait if she can't fight,she could still defend herself by learning defense techniques
eulijah.jones chapter 11 . 1/8
Spears are my favorite type of weapon because there are so many ways to attack with it(hitting with the end,stabbing,slashing,smacking with the end of it,the list goes on and on)
eulijah.jones chapter 9 . 1/8
18th of January is my birthday...are you spying on me
eulijah.jones chapter 8 . 1/8
Heeyyy we have a St John's High School around here
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 25 . 12/27/2024
lmao imagine aphrodite's expression when percy hugged her, it would be reward enough for her. lmao
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 19 . 12/26/2024
hey! this is completely against the laws of the world! against the laws of nature! against the laws of reality! a women is too pure to commit such disgusting acts like cheating and breaking hearts! no, you surely are mistaken! it was surely the man who cheated! lmao. never trust that stupid huntress
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 18 . 12/26/2024
I actually support lessbians and gay people. I even have some lessbian friends.
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 9 . 12/26/2024
oh artemis, you and your hunters. arrogant fools. so going to get it
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 5 . 12/26/2024
if it was on me to choose the color of armors and stuff, I would pick black combat boots, black pants, white eclipse hunting t-shirt, and a black jakket on. and green eclipse hunting bandana's on. would be super cool
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 4 . 12/26/2024
I am so loving how percy is so crushing artemis's pride. I wish every author would hand hunters their ass's just like this one. they so deserve it.
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 3 . 12/26/2024
good job angel, give a strate no slap to artemis! destroy her pride and ego!
CharlsBeckendorf chapter 2 . 12/26/2024
I am verry happy with the last part. finally someone puts the little arrogant girl in her place. I meen lmao I literally hate her with all the arrogance about how girls are flawless peaces of gold and a man is worth as a puddle of mud who will taint women. I have seen faar manipulative, bitchy, arrogant, egoistic and slutty girls than better ones.
littlewoodians chapter 1 . 6/27/2024
Little Woodian's is a well-designed play school campus that offers all the modern facilities needed to provide students with a safe, secure, and happy advanced learning environment. .com
percyjacksonfan135 chapter 2 . 5/26/2024
Aww I love this. I just want to let you know that in the sentence, no one touch my family, it is, in this case, no one touches, my family. Hope that helps.
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