Reviews for Where No Wizard has Gone Before
SunPho3n1x chapter 8 . 9/6
This is a really great story! Different from a lot of the other crossovers. I very much enjoyed it. Thank you for writing this.
Koldbones chapter 9 . 8/18
great story, thank you. I'm just hoping for a sequel
Warrior0974 chapter 9 . 7/19
This story is beautiful a great way for Harry potter to be inserted into the startrek universe. I was hoping it will continue through his life on the enterprise
Wdean2023 chapter 9 . 7/17
This story has many lesions that many should learn in this life.
Another great story, wonderful job on it.
viningc chapter 9 . 5/21
Thank you for your interesting story.
Undermann chapter 6 . 2/2
"I am as much a servant of Life as I am the Master of Death" - I just love that, speaks volumes doesn't it? That is the key part of it all for me and certainly the low-key best part (the counter-high-key best bit obviously being Q's rude awakening with a glimpse of the afterlife).

Don't know how many rereads this has been, 6th? Maybe. Whatever - this is one I always find myself coming back to now & again. Tis' a joy, I just wish there'd been more of it. Would have been interesting to see a take on the bulk of TNG's seasons with the MoD on board, though I understand why not - he is almost as much a Deus Ex as Q himself.
Fick Chick chapter 3 . 1/20
Weird that he noticed Selv's eyebrows but not his ears.
ak chapter 9 . 1/19
bonne fic!
Charzy chapter 9 . 1/11
What a wonderful a hidden gem to find after all these years. Thank you for sharing!
Tonyorobsky chapter 3 . 11/15/2023
What is the point of having him live multiple differents life, only to have him surprised at space travel and aliens? What is the point of having lived plenty of different lives if they were all mostly the same? Or always on Earth (or an other planet) before space expansion? Why is more surprised now, after all his lives, than at 11 when he discovered magic, diagon alley, and other races like the goblins?
pincho chapter 9 . 8/29/2023
That was very cute and wholesome.
An put Q in his place
didyousaytim chapter 9 . 8/7/2023
This is not the first time I read your story. But it remain extraordinary how you weaved in all the personalities (including O'Brien) just so. Liked how you tied HP past lives into the story as well. The best Star Trek/HP story still...
SunPho3n1x chapter 9 . 8/3/2023
Such a great story! I loved reading this so much! Thank you for writing this.
Raiju001 chapter 9 . 7/7/2023
A good read and fairly well contained when all is said and done. I like how you tied on the lore as well with the Master of Death title and how you interpreted its function. Thank you for a fun story!
Ophis-The-Infinite-Dragon-God chapter 9 . 7/4/2023
That was enjoyable, seeing his travels to various worlds and universes would be rather interesting to read about if you made this a series. Thank you for the entertaining read.
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