Reviews for A Life Once Lived
Guest chapter 1 . 11/28/2023
Alright, I am destroyed.
Actually destroyed.
There's nothing left of me.
I should have checked the ending to make sure the story was finished. Now I'm heartbroken and way too attached. It's so hard, how unique this story has been. Haesel will never exist outside of this story, and what a shame. The fact that you planned on such a sad ending is so heartbreaking. POOR SIRIUS. POOR LILY. POOR EVERYONE. You even killed one of Lily's future kids! Like damn, this story has wrecked me. I got so attached to everyone, and such sadness awaits.

My one critique for characterization is: why the hell did Lily tolerate Severus after Petunia died? I think that would have been the turning point for her. Her sister was killed by the very side Severus was actively recruiting her for. Why is she so passionate and loyal, yet so wimpy and lukewarm with Severus? I get you were trying to keep to canon, but canon Lily split from Severus the second he made his allegiance clear. This Lily should have done the same. Petunia being murdered by Voldemort directly, and Severus saying things about how Petunia isn't worth her effort because she's a muggle—it doesn't make sense for Lily to bury her head in the sand.

I'm just going to mourn indefinitely for this story. I'm heartbroken. Such a beautiful world and it's all over now. Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep.
Child of Dreams chapter 29 . 8/28/2023
I take it said "idiot from the Ministry" was Fudge?
Child of Dreams chapter 29 . 8/28/2023
I take it said "idot from the Ministry" was Fudge?
Queen cat spark chapter 35 . 2/25/2023
I really liked, it was very interesting.
you amazing!
Child of Dreams chapter 1 . 9/19/2022
Is this an alternate spelling of "Hazel"?
Guest chapter 28 . 9/14/2022
This is soooo beautifully written I have goosebumps from the smooth world-building and build up to this climax of events. It’s like the tragedy was written in the stars and the readers were aware from the start but enchanted to a false blanket of normality.
Guest chapter 24 . 9/13/2022
No but this whole chapter felt like they woke up from an intense foursome
TealRaven chapter 35 . 4/28/2022
I can't believe you killed my Haesel! Good story though.
Guest chapter 35 . 3/4/2022
Really well written!
Aelin Black chapter 35 . 10/12/2021
I would like to say that this is one of the best Harry Potter fanfics that I have ever read. I love it. It makes one understand what the characters feel and bring a deeper version of this story that I rarely see. And while I understand why you are not continuing this story, I can’t help but feel disappointed. I hope that if ever this story will be adopted, the writer will do this story justice. Thank you for writing this book. It was perfect.
World-Explorer chapter 35 . 9/1/2021
thankyou so much! especially the last notes. i love your story regardless if uve finished it or not.
TJeanetteT chapter 35 . 8/31/2021
I reread the whole story and I have to say, I forgot how absolutely devastating some of the sad parts are. Geez. So well written though and really good at evoking the desired emotions. I am sad to hear that you won't be continuing the story but I guess Sirius can breath a sigh of relief since you won't be killing off the one and only love of his life. ;D Lol. Cheers!
Elle Ryder chapter 35 . 8/23/2021
Thank you for sharing your notes! It does give closure and that’s just really awesome
I do appreciate how you were planning to end this story, I kinda love sad but good endings.
Thank you again
Also congrats on your baby! Wishing y’all the best
Guest chapter 35 . 8/22/2021
If someone adopts the story can you post a chapter sharing who does and maybe a link? I loved reading this story
Nightfire k'Vala chapter 35 . 8/22/2021
Thank you for these notes :) it was great to see where you intended to take your characters!
Also, CONGRATS on your parasite (lol)!
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