Reviews for On the Flip Side
Guest chapter 26 . 11/8/2024
Guest chapter 25 . 11/8/2024
Well that was fast paced lol
Guest chapter 14 . 11/8/2024
I like book Harry and Ginny, but in the movies I think that he should have been with Hermione. Movie Ginny was terrible.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/7/2024
Snape pull a full u-turn on the hating Harry's guts thing, now didn't he? Great story btw!
OutriderIvyHill22 chapter 29 . 11/8/2024
the crookshanks thing was perfect, loved the resolution to all of this
OutriderIvyHill22 chapter 15 . 11/6/2024
"Hi Professor." Snape mimicked.

I love this line so much?
OutriderIvyHill22 chapter 10 . 11/6/2024
I think your character analysis of Lucius was very on-point. Cold, desiring power, distant as a punishment but not truly desiring the return of Voldemort because it would threaten his current standing but still believing in purdblood ideals. Very good chapter! Poor Harry never seems to get a break, does he? Also, the ending made me laugh.
OutriderIvyHill22 chapter 8 . 11/6/2024
I'm really liking this so far. I've noticed that you don’t use a lot of commas in your writing, just abrupt stops, which makes it come across as slightly choppy sometimes. It was something I noticed more at first, but now I'm pulled in by the characterization and plot, and I hardly notice anymore. It's not a big deal, and if you don’t care for constructive criticism, just ignore it. As a fellow writer I appreciate notes, but I know not everyone else does. Honestly besides that, which isn't really a negative at all anyway (just something that caught my eye), it's a very nice story. I've been struggling to find new Severitus to read, so I'm super excited that I came across this!
Nightcrawler X chapter 21 . 9/30/2024
This story is nice, but really not my cup of tea
Nightcrawler X chapter 5 . 9/29/2024
WTF is Slytherin Tower?!
Nightcrawler X chapter 3 . 9/29/2024
Harry refusing to talk about abuse is one of the dumbest tropes in HP fanfiction
Spang chapter 4 . 8/19/2024
Super thus far: poor Snape won’t have his usual target for retaking points from Gryffindor
guest chapter 31 . 7/10/2024
thank you for the amazing story
Mandalorian Jetiise chapter 14 . 6/18/2024
my own personal view was that harry should never have been with Ginny. She was his own personal stocker.
Guest chapter 31 . 4/28/2024
Another great fic!
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