Reviews for Defaced, Derailed and Divergent
Okami2312 chapter 7 . 11/3/2023
So Hyena Xander was essentially his animal brain, no real smarts and only instincts hyena spirit.
Also am I the only finding it weird how cool Buffy is with the whole thing ? Canonically it makes sense ig they cant spend episodes analysing the aftermath of whatever tf that was (rape/assault/foreplay?) but in this fic while Xander is mortified there’s nothing on how Buffy feels about it and im curious.
Was she scared/aroused ? Just scared ? Something completely different ?
Does her being so cool with it have anything to do with Joyce subtly matching Xander and Buffy together and Buffy’s VERY deeply buried feelings for Xander (he saved her too many times for her to just shrug all this shit off and even Faith saw it ifnfor only a second).
dogbertcarroll chapter 7 . 7/29/2016
Nice work, much more complex and well thought out than most of the fics I run across handling the strange and unusual minds that comprise the BtVS cast.
Ibskib chapter 5 . 5/9/2016
I'm not a big fan of Angst, but I still somewhat like the premise, except for the whole talk about faces, that just sounds stupid, somehow managing to be both too specific and too vague, as if he has a split personality or as if people can just compartmentalize fully to that degree, and be fully cognizant as well as have people around recognize and categorize them.

This fic would have been a better read if all mention of 'faces' and most things related to it was struck out.
Guardian1165 chapter 7 . 10/26/2015
At some point I will probably drag this up when I have a keyboard so I can review properly, but at the heart of it, Xander and Buffy's talks have torpedoed most of the angst for the rest of the show for those two characters. This, actually talking about the things that matter and the really deeply held attitudes, beliefs, and desires of the characters derails most of the idiocy that occurs because of them. It provides a vehicle for the resolution of their conflicts and distresses between each other and, as has been remarked on before, makes for a solid foundation for future relationships.
As a side note I doubt Parker or Riley would happen in the same way with these two talking to each other.
daimahou chapter 7 . 9/11/2015
Yay, it's completed!

Would have liked to see Xander's thoughts and maybe a bit of a timeskip with it...

Anyway, that Aphrodite angle could have its own fic, instead of trying to get back at Cordelia Xander instead wants to talk to the goddess of love so he can sort his feelings out, get some tips, etc..

Had an idea for a time travel too but they would "only" become an "old soul", wiser, a bit more intelligent etc., but Willow is probably not able to do it... :(
Starway Man chapter 7 . 9/11/2015
Well, the ending definitely surprised me! Don't get me wrong, I liked the glimpses you gave us looking into Buffy's head, and Faith's, and even Dark Willow's. But I would have liked to see what was going on inside XANDER'S mind as well, especially after Faith's POV ended! There would have been a lot of potentially interesting thoughts there, I'm thinking. And understood about the whole B/X 'ship idea - trivial as you say, and thanks for mentioning my name more than once. Looking forward to your next fic, now that this one's done!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/9/2015
Ok so basically a ascended Willow made the deals that altered the fates of many people? Huh, how about that.
Starway Man chapter 6 . 9/10/2015
Great to see an update of this story! Some good flashback scenes, and nice cameo by Willow at the start. The Deep and Meaningful between Buffy and Xander seemed like a pretty strong hint that you're heading for a B/X 'ship in this story, especially since Faith never popped the guy's cheery and I suspected Buffy would end up attracted to Faceless-Xander. Looking forward to what you give us in a day or two!
agnar chapter 5 . 3/5/2015
The mention of Aphrodite, in the show didn't Amy call on Diana, Goddess of Love and the Hunt? I always figured THAT is why the spell went wrong, she called on a Goddess who has not a damned thing to do with love, for a love spell.

Indeed she called on something of a man-hating Goddess. Always left me baffled if they intended it to show Amy didn't know what she was doing, and to explain why it went so badly? Or if the writer was just a bloody idiot who didn't know his Roman or Greek Dieties.
Starway Man chapter 5 . 1/9/2015
Thanks for the latest acknowledgment in the author notes, and for the list of entities who were proving commentary in the previous chapters. Too bad I got it wrong about Aphrodite! Enjoyed reading the exposition about Faces, and how Xander found himself in the 'not caring' or 'meh' mindset he eventually ended up in. Apathy or simply not caring will get him in trouble, though, I'm willing to wager. Especially with Willow and Buffy and maybe even Cordelia. Even though you described her as going back to being the Queen Bitch of the school, just one meeting with Face-less Xander would push her buttons totally the wrong way! Looking forward to the epilogue, of course, and the events of 'The Zeppo'? Well, that's something I'm looking forward to seeing!
wataru51 chapter 4 . 1/1/2015
I am really enjoy this story. Very good so far.
Starway Man chapter 4 . 12/30/2014
Hey, thanks for the latest message in the author notes! Okay, now, the conversation between Buffy and Cordelia felt a bit OOC for them both (to me anyway), but I guess it was still feasible - after all, if Cordelia makes up her mind about something, then it's a done deal. Too bad for her it'll probably mean overdosing on sleeping pills in a year's time, once she becomes flat broke and doesn't have a single real friend left in the world, but as you said - Cordelia is who she is, and Jasmine can easily select some other poor girl to be her 'mother'.

Buffy's inner monologue, beating herself up about everything, was done well. Wilkins contemplating whether to bring Xander over to his side or kill him was actually pretty funny! Still, Joyce becoming Xander's parental guardian, just like that? No way it's that simple! You have to go through Child Services (like that Doris Kroeger woman we saw on the show), present your case to a judge in the children's court, and fill out all sorts of forms/red tape/whatever. Still, I liked the way you presented Oz's POV in the Scooby conversation, and I agree with his conclusion that Joyce was going to attempt to match-make between her daughter and Xander now that Cordelia (and Angel?) are out of the picture.

Thanks for promising to tell us who the extra-dimensional commentary was from - I have no firm idea who it was. Janus, maybe? And as for that thing with the Watchers Council offering Xander a traineeship position? I burst out laughing as I read that, what with their snobbish ways and unrestrained nepotism! Anyway, happy New Year's to you too and hope we see another update soon!
Wonderbee31 chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
An awesome section, and enjoyed seeing a Xander that was able to pull a win out, just barely, but still a win, and did it using ingenuity, while Joyce is being a pretty good Mom to him, something that I think could have helped him a lot if she'd been around earlier in his life, and if he had still been friends with Buffy.
The Fallen Sky chapter 3 . 12/26/2014
First off, I like the idea behind this story. I can definitely see Xander falling into a depression and feeling like he's lost his friends after the Valentine's spell fiasco, especially with Buffy and Willow acting like they haven't forgiven him and 'freezing him out'. I can also see him doing some rather foolish and stupid things as a result of feeling like he's got nothing left to lose. In fact, it's a wonder he managed to stay as positive as he did on the show, because behind all the jokes and smiles, his life was pretty crappy, and he didn't have a very high opinion of himself. It was only his love of his friends and his willingness to do anything for them, including risking life and limb, that gave him purpose, so losing that here leaves him with an almost death wish.

Anyway, I thought the way Xander dusted Drusilla was very believable and didn't require Xander to outfight or outsmart her. He simply took advantage of the situation and the lack of respect Dru had for him as an opponent. The same goes for Spike. The issue I have is the way Xander attacked and ultimately took down Angelus. I get that Xander has soldier memories, but he's still just normal human, and he wasn't exactly in top physical, mental or emotional condition at the time. Plus, there were several dozen other vampires between Xander and Angelus. Realistically, Xander would've been killed had he tried to capture Angelus as he did. It would've been more believable had Xander simply wanted to kill Angelus, because the tactics would've been less endangering to Xander, thus allowing him to accomplish his task and stay alive. Still, when one doesn't care if one lives or dies, one is a most formidable foe, so there's a slim chance Xander could've pulled off the take down of Angelus.

That aside, his reason for wanting to take Angelus alive or undusted makes sense. I mean, the guy thinks his friends hate him, and he's trying to get back into their good graces, so capturing Angelus and offering him up as an act of atonement might get his friends to forgive his actions on Valentine's.

I'm still not quite sure why Joyce needs to hear this story from Xander or why Angel suggested she speak to him. I guess Angel might feel like he owes Xander for stopping him before he did too much damage and for not just dusting him even though he deserved it. But I don't know why Joyce is involved, unless it's just that she wants the unvarnished truth about Buffy and everything that's been going on, and Xander is the only one who would give her that truth.

Anyway, it looks to me as if Joyce is about to suggest that Xander stay with her and Buffy instead of being tossed into the foster care system. Makes sense, and I could see Joyce wanting to help one of Buffy's best friends. Of course, that leaves open the possibility that romantic sparkage might happen between Buffy and Xander at some point. I mean, I kinda get the feeling that Angel has learned his lesson, that he can't be with Buffy in any way, shape or form, and that he's gonna keep his distance and let her know that there can't be anything romantic between them. If that happens, I can see Buffy growing closer to Xander, especially with all that's happened to him and the fact that they'll be living together. Of course, I doubt Xander would be willing or able to engage in a meaningful romantic relationship with anyone for a while, because he's really messed up. However, I doubt he'd rebuff Buffy should she make it known that she's interested in him. It would just mean that any relationship they had would be very slow in growing/progressing.

For the most part, this is a good story. I've already stated one issue I have with it, and the only other issue I have is the way Xander speaks. I felt there were too many words that were abbreviated, like 'im, 'em, o' and an' to name a few. When reading his dialogue, I started to hear a British accent, because the wording just "felt" British to me. I doubt you wrote him with a British accent, but I know Xander doesn't use so many clipped words when he talks.

Anyway, that's what I got. I hope you finish this, because I'm interested in seeing how this turns out.
Starway Man chapter 3 . 12/25/2014
Thanks for the personal message at the start of the chapter, it's much appreciated. And yeah, definitely looking forward to chapter 4, then! As for Jasmine...yeah, good point. That part of the Angel show mythos DID make for a good case for the concept that the so-called 'higher beings' were incompetent fools.

Now, as for the critique. The start was nice, the way Xander dissected the typical vampire-Slayer encounters, and what sort of cumulative effect that would have on Buffy. The preparations for the attack on Angelus's new lair were described in clear, excellent detail. Giles's attitude and inner monologue was...disturbing. Xander's view on guns and Buffy being totally unmix-y? Almost a cliché, but always fun to read! The battle at the warehouse was okay to read as well, but maybe it would have helped to intersperse some conversation in between all the exposition? Catchy phrase I noticed in that section was "the Harris luck struck". Not sure why, but it definitely drew my eye. :)

That thing with the Oracles' brief comments, talking about Jasmine? It made me wonder if they have a chance to survive once the Senior Partners send Vocah to kill them, this time around. Unlikely, but still. Xander's conversation with the vampires after Angelus was captured, short but okay - hell, you wouldn't expect witty insults under those conditions, anyway! But when Buffy found Angelus and Xander, was it just me - or did she really seem far more concerned about the soulless killing machine than her human friend? A friend she was on the outs with, but still. WILLOW certainly made her thoughts and feelings clear! Still, Joyce's inner monologue later on, casting the supernatural into a frame of reference she could understand? THAT was inspired, well done. Looking forward to seeing what Joyce's solution to Xander's problem will be, next time - kinda doubt it's gonna be as simple as petitioning Child Services to be granted custody of the boy. Maybe early emancipation?

Anyway, thanks again for updating the story! And a merry Christmas to you too.
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