Reviews for Did he really say ardently?
MelodieMLB chapter 7 . 6/6/2023
Just finished the whole story. Fantastic!
liefje27 chapter 13 . 2/28/2023
wonderfully written you had the whole gamut of feelings...thank you for sharing
Aleska chapter 13 . 11/7/2022
This was really, really beautiful! Thank you very much for writing. Just sorry there are no more stories from you ;)
reisova chapter 13 . 9/21/2022
Very good
Guest chapter 13 . 2/9/2022
Beautiful story! The simplest moments and touches full of emotion and passion. Well done.
MelodieMLB chapter 4 . 1/19/2022
This is really lovely. I am enjoying it tremendously.
Baiabaia chapter 13 . 7/29/2021
I really love this thanks,
I'll be waiting the update
girlyswat chapter 13 . 7/8/2021
I don't know if you still get these reviews... but this story is beautiful. Full of passion so well written. I also would love some more of this story.
patgzz chapter 13 . 6/11/2021
Wow. Than you for one of the most beautiful stories I have read on the P&Pfandom. I love your character development and wish that you find time to add some chapters.
The wedding and honeymoon, they arrival to Pemberly and that first fight!
MelodieMLB chapter 13 . 5/3/2021
Thank you. This was excellent. I enjoyed it tremendously.
Dizzy WillBeth chapter 13 . 4/7/2021
My God! This was so clean but soooooo passionate!
HATS OFF to you!
Levenez chapter 13 . 10/6/2020
Thank you very much for this story. I think you did very well twisting canon for your scenario. What a courageous Darcy (in facing Elisabeth time and time again) but as well Elisabeth (after the DarcyLady C’s scène for example).
Ale chapter 12 . 6/12/2020
Continua por favor la historia. Esta muy buena.
UneBrunette chapter 1 . 3/20/2020
Well. This is perfection. I hope you will write another story one day.
Wyndwhyspyr chapter 13 . 2/23/2020
Oh so lovely. Wish there was more
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