Reviews for Three's A Crowd (But Pack Sticks Together)
The Abandoned Nico chapter 6 . 2/7/2020
I found the fight between the two Kurama hilarious and I really enjoyed madlibbing what Danzo was muttering at the end. The two elders I can't name? Absolute assholes. That is a fact. They were born to negate the protagonists.
Tsukimine12 chapter 19 . 1/25/2020
Don't know if this still counts, but I vote for both Kakashi's to live! :D
Love your story, by the way!
aviwez23 chapter 1 . 1/11/2020
looking great so far except for kyuubi calling Naruto kit. Always put me off a fanfiction
PikaMew1288 chapter 4 . 1/6/2020
I'd honestly LOVE to see a Dual SI fic where one is Naruto's twin sister with the other being a Kurama from an Alternate Timeline sealed into said sister.
KiTsuHiTo chapter 56 . 1/6/2020
This is seriously one of the best fanfiction I've ever read! XD Thank you so much for writing it. It's a true pleasure~
vwheel10 chapter 36 . 1/3/2020
You can always trust Danzo to be eligible for elimination!
vwheel10 chapter 34 . 1/3/2020
Wait I forgot about Okugi!
vwheel10 chapter 33 . 1/3/2020
I hope Killer Bee gets a good part, he’s one of my favorite characters (along with Gyuki)
vwheel10 chapter 32 . 1/3/2020
Again, your dream sequences are amazing.
vwheel10 chapter 31 . 1/3/2020
WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME at least the next chapter’s already out
vwheel10 chapter 30 . 1/3/2020
Poor Minato, being a mother hen is a full time job you know.
vwheel10 chapter 29 . 1/3/2020
Nonononono please don’t let something bad happen!
vwheel10 chapter 28 . 1/2/2020
Everyone’s reactions to Kakashi glowing though XD
vwheel10 chapter 27 . 1/2/2020
I love how the timeline is basically it’s own character that’s constantly working to screw them over.
vwheel10 chapter 26 . 1/2/2020
This bit is probably my favorite so far.
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