Reviews for Shadow Mission
smith041 chapter 25 . 2/16/2017
Just so great and so complete , Just love the whole story. AWESOME JOB
myownbrand chapter 25 . 2/15/2017
Really great story. Thank you.
blb1000 chapter 25 . 2/13/2017
Loved catching up on all Ed's crazy inventions. Also love that you allowed him to be called "Ed." I've been reading Twi-fanfic for years and I can't remember anyone else allowing him to be called Ed. So kudos to you for being different. I had an Uncle Ed, so I remember these things. :)
Suzy-Chapstick chapter 25 . 2/13/2017
Okay, I totally got choked up at the end.

What a fabulous story! Thank you so much for sharing it!
blb1000 chapter 24 . 2/13/2017
Well, it's really his second proposal, so he can get away with it. I loved this epi. I appreciate how thorough you were with wrapping up all the loose ends. I also like how l-o-n-g this chapter and most of the others were. Thanks for finishing this beauty of a story. Bravo!
Orangemonkey36 chapter 25 . 2/12/2017
What an amazing story. That you so much for sharing.
myownbrand chapter 7 . 2/12/2017
Edward is so funny when he is in spy mode!
blb1000 chapter 23 . 2/12/2017
Evelyne-raconte chapter 25 . 2/12/2017
ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT ! I enjoyed your fiction so much, all along. You have everything in term of emotions, from LOL to cry and everything in between. I will vote for Shadow Mission for fiction on the month in the next February poll for complete fic. Thank you so much for sharing. It was perfect.
blb1000 chapter 22 . 2/11/2017
Just when you think they'll have it made, finally...
Renee Aubin chapter 24 . 2/11/2017
I was glad they allowed themselves the time to just be quiet together. Entirely believable that it’s hard for both of them to start talking again. The 20 questions was a nice idea.

Wow it was kind of startling to be taken back to the beginning of the story, when Bella had gotten so thoroughly frustrated at being unable to get in touch with Edward that she’d gone over the wall and orchestrated the visit to her restaurant, back when his memory was mostly holes.

Good for him:
‘The question can be taken several different ways. I'm about to try and work out which way I should answer when I decide not to bother. Our cards were being put on the table here; I understood that, so I showed her my whole hand.’

Geez, there’s just no way to have this conversation without talking about a lot of painful times. But it’s necessary. And once it gets started they’re up all night.

Interesting that it takes him a little while to realize he would miss making movies, despite all the annoyances that go with it.

Quite an inventory of things to be relieved about for Emmett too:
‘His mark had survived. Jasper was on the mend, Seth was showing good signs of recovering fully and Rose was finally at his side. Openly. Freely. And Emmett felt whole.
He knew the truth now. He knew and understood what had happened to his boy and he was quietly optimistic for the future.‘

That was a funny touch that Garrett had hacked into his brother’s laptop to play poker, but folded with a winning hand because ‘Garrett wasn't interested in winning money for Emmett’.

Nice: ‘Emmett, gobsmacked at the change in his charge can only nod. His voice has deserted him… He'd never seen Ed like this. Never seen the guy so in control, so sure of himself. He liked it; he just wasn't used to it.’
Yes, he’s waited a long time for this.

Satisifying: ‘Ed shakes the offered hand with a grin of his own, realising that Emmett is just meeting the real Edward for the first time.’

Interesting: ‘The filming itself was hard. Harder than I remembered it to be, ever. Whether that was because I still wasn't one hundred percent fit either mentally or physically or because it had been so long since I'd truly been myself on a set I couldn't be sure.’

It’s really too bad this is necessary: ‘Now, before we leave for any event, both Bella and I sit with our security team and learn where to go and what to do in an emergency. And then we sit with our family and talk about the plans again, casually. It works for us and it takes the emotional sting out of the fear we both still carry.’
But after what they've been through, how could they do less?

Wow, what a contrast between Edward’s previous isolation and the “family compound” they live in now.

I guess it would not be reasonable to hope for any better than this, so soon:
‘I was sleeping better even though I still sometimes had nightmares that made me ill for a few hours afterwards.’

Smile: ‘He's even more well defined now than he'd been months ago when I'd first turned up. All his work since being shot to get his lung function back on track had helped tone him even more than he had been, and I am mesmerised.’

That really was a puzzling conversation after Bella says they can’t / shouldn’t make love again now that Edward has his memories back. Oh!
"I slept with the guy who killed my father and who tried to kill you!”
Details, details.

Well this is a good point:
"But one of your ex's didn't try and kill me."
"True," I chuckle, "But I'm guessing there's a whole lot of fangirls out there tonight who aren't real happy with you because you were there with me."

‘"Look, you love me. I love you. I want you. I want you desperately. So we should at least try it, right?" I ask hopefully.
"What if I'm right?" she asks.
"Then I'll get you a certificate," I bark.’

‘I think we should need to slow down. I think we should go easy, be careful and patient and make sure that neither of us is spinning out of control. But I am out of control and I like it. I don't want to think. I want to feel.’
And I don’t know how she managed to control herself and let him have the pace he needed!

I did like the “unconventional proposal”. Perfect for them.

Thanks for this excellent story! I’m having trouble imagining a “little light hearted epic tale” after this one, but I’ll check it out.
blb1000 chapter 21 . 2/11/2017
I'm guessing he won't shift again, now that he knows what happened 5 years ago. I'm wondering about his long term memory returning though?
blb1000 chapter 20 . 2/11/2017
I hope to God it's Emmett finally coming thru the front door and shooting Jake's ass.
blb1000 chapter 19 . 2/11/2017
Crap. It's gotta be Jake trying to invade their space and take out as much of his competition for Bella's affections as possible. Luckily, almost no one is there. GREAT STORY! YOU HAVE ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!
jule2 chapter 25 . 2/11/2017
Priceless. Thank you.
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