Reviews for Shadow Mission
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 12 . 4/5/2015
It's good to see that Emmett doesn't know everything :)
From my female pov I'm totally ok with Bellas reason for being pissed hehehe
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 11 . 4/5/2015
I'm absolutely overwhelmed about all the information being thrown around in this chapter.
Still loving the story though :)
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 10 . 4/4/2015
Great chapter!
Loved how Emmett dealt with Tanya.
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 9 . 4/4/2015
They hated the shiny suit hehehe
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 8 . 4/4/2015
I like bad-ass Bella :)

The phone call from Edward was so cute.

Has Tanya been paying a dude to keep track on Bella this whole time? Her ex husband?
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 7 . 4/4/2015
Edwards first beer in a year? Didn't he have one just the other day at the restaurant?

Edward is hilarious with his gadgets LOL

Stupid Tanya is going down!
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 6 . 4/4/2015
Creepy Denali!
It's so stupid of Edward not to read the papers he signs. I bet something about that will come back and bite him in the ass.
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 5 . 4/4/2015
Jeeeez! That was weird.
Loved the restaurant though :)
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 4 . 4/4/2015
Wow! There's a lot going on in this chapter.
Whom was Bella married to?
Who's the third personality Edward "uses"?

Edward dreamt about tasting blood. Did he get Charlie's blood in/on him when Charlie was shot?
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 3 . 4/4/2015
I understand the severity of multiple personality disorder BUT there was just something endearing about his thoughts at Rosalies. The way he was winning over Jasper and the nods and so on.
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 2 . 4/4/2015
Great chapter.
Both jasper and Emmett are awesome.
There was something adorable about Edward trying out his gadgets :)
MoJo40 - Ffaddward chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
Sounds like an awesome plot :)
Elise de Sallier chapter 21 . 4/3/2015
Thank you for writing such an amazing story! I've been reading a lot of fanfiction lately, and this is right at the top of my favourites list. I think you and your husband are doing an incredible job. I love the detail and obvious research that has gone into the story, and I also am thoroughly enjoying the very unique characters you've created. Your Edward when he is in James Goodall mode is absolutely hysterical, though my heart also breaks for him. I'm not sure why you don't have a tonne more reviews, as this is a fantastic story and would make an awesome movie. :)
Renee Aubin chapter 11 . 3/30/2015
Amazing that Emmett has managed to contain this so far:
"Why can't you just tell us both here [at her restaurant]?" she asks…
"Because I need him as clear headed as possible while we're out in public… it's safer to get him home and tell you both there. I can't risk him changing personas in public."

Sigh, not surprising I guess that we get James when the explicitly threatening letter left in the hotel room is revealed. Still, “ouch” when he says "Who the hell is Bella?" An ugly first encounter for her.

Interesting how Emmett works through the threatening letter, line by line. Psychology is a big part of his job, isn’t it? I’m actually caught up with the current chapter, so knowing the solution to the mysteries, it’s fun to see events unfold.

Emmett comes up with his short list of suspects: ‘Jasper, Bella, Tanya and a ghost.’ I guess he can't afford to trust his gut when the stakes are so high.

So frustrating for Edward: ‘I sit on the edge of my bed and wait for someone to tell me what the fuck is going on and why nobody else is afraid.’

Yeah, Emmett to Bella: “If whoever is threatening you both does get near him and he's not more stable than he is now he'll get himself killed, and maybe you along with him.”

A good path through the swamp of unknowns:
“What if the choices we make on his behalf right now make him worse? … What if he's like this forever?"
"You love him as he is already. If he never remembers will that change?"

Nicely said, Bella re her history with Edward: "He was just starting out and I thought he was the hottest, sexiest thing on two legs I'd ever seen so yeah, as much as a sixteen year old can love someone I loved him."

Whew, a light moment, re Edward’s scheduled phone interviews:
‘"I hate them. The callers are always giggling fangirls and the questions they ask are always way too personal and nothing to do with the movie."
"Sucks to be so popular," [Emmett] teases, cuffing me on the shoulder as he goes towards the door.
"You listen to them squeal then," I tease back.’

‘"Why what?" I ask, trying hard to concentrate on what was a serious topic because of the fact that I had free rein to delve my fingertips into Edward Cullen's hair.’
And then, as she implied to Emmett: ‘I want more, I've always wanted more…’

Aww: ‘"I don't think I deserve you but I want to," he whispers against my lips before kissing me just as softly as before.’

Whoa: “It's escalating. The number of times he's slipped into another personality in the last week is three times the number he'd slip in a month normally." And yet Emmett’s right that it’s finally progress, or at least movement, after five years of being stuck in the same spot.

I was amazed that the bad guy escalated to making his next threat publicly, on the radio show. From Bella’s house, yet. Cojones of brass.

I bet the mighty Aro has never been used in this way: "I need a diversion and you're a big enough name to pull the press pack away from here so we can leave without being followed."
alexiana75 chapter 20 . 3/30/2015
Oh dear God! Pure Agatha Christie! BrillianT Just, please, could Seth and Jasper be alive? Edward still is, I hope!
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