Reviews for Shadow Mission
abbyweyr chapter 25 . 2/27/2020
Wonderful way to end this story. A very enjoyable read this evening into morning.
abbyweyr chapter 21 . 2/27/2020
good news
abbyweyr chapter 19 . 2/27/2020
not Seth
abbyweyr chapter 18 . 2/27/2020
no great loss with her gone
abbyweyr chapter 14 . 2/26/2020
I don't know how often you posted chapters, but I'm very glad this story is complete. I keep reading rather than stop to review.
abbyweyr chapter 11 . 2/26/2020
abbyweyr chapter 9 . 2/26/2020
oh my stars!
abbyweyr chapter 8 . 2/26/2020
wonderful chapter with Edward.
abbyweyr chapter 6 . 2/26/2020
Good Edward recognizes that Emmett is trustworthy and Tanya isn't. Wonder if Tanya killed Charlie.
abbyweyr chapter 5 . 2/26/2020
What an in person meeting.
abbyweyr chapter 4 . 2/26/2020
Blue Edward...interesting image. After five years and they get a couple of pieces to the puzzle.
abbyweyr chapter 2 . 2/26/2020
Lulabell75 chapter 25 . 9/13/2019
I just devoured this entire story, I loved it! Thank you for sharing.

samiam77 chapter 25 . 3/20/2019
This story was wonderful!
BellaTesoro chapter 2 . 3/1/2019
Edward's life sounds pretty dull and yet there's a lot of 'crazy' going on with how he lives. Does he have a mental health issue or just 'odd' And it seems as if he's lucky he's got Emmett on his side protecting him from everything and himself it would seem. It might be nice for him to have new employee like Jasper helping out with all this crazy. I'm guessing Bella's father died and Edward knows something she doesn't. I'm all sorts of confused but I guess I'm supposed to be.
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