Reviews for Protective Custody
Brightki chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
*shudders and falls over, twitching* That was just... UGH. Can I build a pedestal to your awesomeness? Because that was just glorious.
aeireis chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
This is sad, but good. And I can't wait to read more.
Stefartemis chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
That was different from your others things, a lot happens offstage, so to speak, lots of clips together... Feels like a one-shot, but I'd love to read more chapters!
ShiroKuro OokamiRyu chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
I love the new story! And Draco as a servant to the "filthy mublood" is just so perfect but because of her morals she doesn't take advantage of it, didn't even want for a slave, only taking him because he was going to be killed otherwise and no one wanted to save him. Then he falls for her, for his mistress as she does her best to provide everything to him. And he was the one to ask, no beg, her to kiss him! It was perfect and I do hope this story continues, and Umbridge dies!, sorry... I really hate that toad of a woman
xlittlexmissxmcrx chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Love it!
Don't Trust The Silver Eyes chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Aww! They are adorable! Draco sacrificing himself for the inoccents in the detention centre, his reaction to his mothers safety and how he stated for loved are beautiful. Unfortunately the situation seems too familiar since detention centres in Australia are over crowded and also have families separated- a new legislation was released where Australian families could 'adopt' an asylum seeker from the detention centre but it never really took off. I guess Australia is barbaric :/
JennyFelton chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
I LOVED THIS. hah this a one shot only?
winterpolis chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
this was a tad but vague but spot on at the same time. genius sort of paradox, i reckon. kudos and a wonderful new year to you!
nikki98 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
You are a brilliant writer. This short one shot had angst, humor and romance. Hermione always the fighter and Draco, wow. He gave up his freedom for her! Amazing!
starlitflora chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Oh, goodness. I absolutely loved this. I reached the end of the chapter and wished it'd never end. Then again, everything you write is brilliant. Hopefully you'll contiw writing this because I see great potential. :)
Virabelle chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
A fluffy fanfic! Is it suppose to be a one-shot, or do you plan to make a lot more chapters?
FaeBreeze chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
This was so lovely. You perfectly illustrated an image of them slowly falling for each other in an idyllic country cottage. Sweet.
pagyn chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
Ah, Dolores - the smell that just doesn't go away. Wonderful short story - Harry and Neville are true heroes even after the war. I notice that no confusion of weasels popped up.

There are worst things than having a willing Draco at your beck and call. Unless she gets the Bulgarian Bon-Bon in return, she'd be an idiot to send Draco off just when things are heating up.

I never took Hermione for an idiot. Well, I take that back. She did marry Ron in canon. chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
Oh man. What an interesting concept. Once again- like most of your one shots- I wish there was more! I really enjoyed this story.
Mistress-Cinder chapter 1 . 1/1/2015
I have been sick for a week now & this story made me smile. I love my Dramione!
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