His daughter Mimi chapter 31 . 8/30/2024
Love it!
CLHB chapter 31 . 1/19/2024
Yep, read this again and i feel sooooo good! Thanks
Tal chapter 31 . 9/9/2023
This was a fantastic story. I plan on checking for more of your work. I didn't know what would happen next. Awesome!
Misskathra chapter 18 . 7/16/2023
Christian was she really the love of your life she abandoned you then keep your kids from you what other things did she keep from you
Guest chapter 31 . 4/22/2023
What a great story written by a DYSLEXIC author. Too bad she doesn't care enough about her readers to have it beta'd. It would have brought this story to a bright level of excellence. Pity.
bertha55 chapter 21 . 3/30/2023
This is about the 3rd time I've read your story started with a Cold I love it I especially love when these children are catching adults and their naughty words And threaten with the naughty steps lol
wkathryn71 chapter 30 . 3/8/2023
Simply beautiful story and is there going to be an sequel please
Tammi chapter 12 . 3/1/2023
Hilarious cheered me up no end , why have I never read this story before your amazing thankyou
Crazydebra5gmai chapter 31 . 9/26/2022
Great much day I hope to see one of your books.
Wilson68 chapter 31 . 7/7/2022
I’ve read all your story’s in the last week I’m absolutely gutted I’ve finished. Totally loved each and every one xxx
Misssee chapter 4 . 6/4/2022
Wonderful chapter update. Enjoying this long ago written story.
Misssee chapter 2 . 6/4/2022
These two are enjoying their foolishness. Sweet friendship.
Misssee chapter 1 . 6/3/2022
I enjoyed reading this first chapter. This Christian has truly evolved since 2015. I cannot wait to learn more about him. I definitely liked that he put Elena in her place. This Christian hopefully will get her out of his life
pkstem chapter 31 . 5/31/2022
great story
artri chapter 31 . 2/5/2022
Loved it!
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