Reviews for Opposites Attract |
blackrider11 chapter 2 . 10/19/2020 You probably didn't notice (I didn't either until just now, and that's after literal YEARS of re-reading) but Rogue tells Erik to not stick his "big nose" into her business. Since Erik is Jewish this could have negative connotations. Probably not a big deal unless you know or care to remember that he was slated for a camp. Btw this story still hold up years later and I am envious. |
greatmorgan chapter 6 . 7/29/2019 This story is AMAZING. LOVE THE DRAM ROMANCE FRIEDSHIP TWISTS TURNS AND ADVENTURE AND HUMOR. AMAZING. You should do more X-men stories I am just about to start reading the sequel and I am so so ! |
SithKnight-Galen chapter 6 . 12/22/2009 While not normally a fan of the whole Mags and Rogue coupling, this was actually a pleasent and beleivable sitation that you had set up with this story. It was a pleasure to read. Thank you for posting it. |
RogueNya chapter 6 . 2/1/2009 Hahaha that wa a good story, I liked it greatly. |
Deritine chapter 6 . 6/23/2008 Aw... great story. It could have been longer- I think you guys didn't milk it enough. But then again, it was pretty perfect at the length it ended up as. Your Magneto is so cute. |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 6 . 2/2/2008 That was totally not the ending I'd expected, but I liked it none the less. In fact, I really LOVED the entire story. It was well writen, the plot was exciting and had you either on the edge of your seat, or falling off it laughing the whole time. I thought the combination of Rogue and a young Magneto was fun, though I have a feeling I'm going to like him better 'before' he regained his memeories. I liked the placement of this story too, right around this time in Evo, he wasn't as evil as he was later, and it makes it easier to except him then if you'd done it toward the end of the series. I really wish this had been longer though... But I'm glad to have read it, and I want to both congradulate, and thank you on a work so well done! |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 5 . 2/2/2008 Oh. My. Gosh. That was not a pleasent way to end a chapter! -shudder- I'm glad I'm reading this after you've finished it, I really hate cliffhangers sometimes. But I did like the bit between Rogue and Wanda about Erik, though I have a hard time seeing Wanda giving up a life-time of a hatred based need to kill so quickly. And someone really should slap Pietro over the head a couple of times. :) |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 4 . 2/2/2008 They should call themselves the Three Musketeers and be done with it. :) Or the Three Stooges. Yes, that works better. I liked what was in this chapter, but sometimes it was a little confusing with the way you went really fast from scene to scene. But it was still fun to read, and I the way you described that scene where Rogue had Wanda's powers was totally wicked. I loved it. :D |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 3 . 2/2/2008 Poor Rogue. -sigh- But I really liked this chapter. And it will be very interesting to see how you finish handle things between the Maximoff twins and Erik. That should be fun. And still we wonder on Tabby! |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 2 . 2/2/2008 This is turning out to be one of the most interesting stories that I’ve read in a long time. It’s so good to come across something that is well-written, humorous, and exciting all at once. Not to mention the length of this chapter was wonderful! It’s so great to see something that’s more then just two pages long. :) Anyway, I can’t wait to read more, and I really can’t wait to see what you have planned with all the characters you’re adding. And Tabby! What has happened to her? :) I really need to read more of this. |
Proud to be an X-Nerd chapter 1 . 2/2/2008 Ok. I really can't wait to see where you take this. :) It's really fun so far. I like the way you've done this thing with Erik, it's a fantastic Evo-style twist on the older comic plot line. And I really love what you did with Rogue's powers. I'm taking a guess that you're doing a different version of the Carroll Danvers incident? Don't tell me, :) I'll just have to read to find out. :) |
Sonzai Taz chapter 6 . 7/18/2007 Aww the ending was so sweet! Loved it, so is there gonna be a sequel? |
nuriiko chapter 1 . 10/16/2006 hey...i read ur fanfic from ur website before i came this story! :) |
RebelRogue127 chapter 6 . 3/6/2005 I don't think many people would be able to pull off a romantic relation ship between Rogue and Eric, but you did it perfectly. I hope to see a sequell to this story if possible. Buy. |
JMH chapter 6 . 1/6/2005 Ah, I loved the nanny robot AKA The Jetson's Rosie! Haha, I couldn't stop laughing when I read that. I'm about to read the sequel, and might I add, I love Rogue/Magneto! I wish there were more stories for them! Do you know of any others? |