Reviews for Cycles Upon Cycles
ExcaliberShooter chapter 6 . 4/9
If they had to deal with the Imperium of Man or Ancient Humanity from Halo instead of the Citadel, the Zerg would be signing their own long awaited death warrants. Kerrigan would be entering the Zerg into a war that she would will not win. A total war of eradication that would see Zerg worlds immediately turned to glass and a crusading campaign to wipe them out for good from ever threatening them again. A Terran infested Zerg would be vaporized.
detsalb chapter 38 . 4/4
i love rereading this story over and over again over the years bit please please update it. its such good work and i hate to see it go for so long qithout an update.

ps. since the strikers cant seem to get siege tanks why not have shepard and the group whip up the idea for the mako but starcraftized?
CaptainKriss S5-SIERRA-117 chapter 2 . 3/23
800 meter ship? i thought behemoth class was 1k and minaour around 560 meter
GNY-002 Gundam Sadalsuud chapter 3 . 3/18
All this "We opened the relay by accident"'doesn't make sense since if the relay is your main source of travel, then as a new galactic species how else will you arrive without going through the relays?

Its not even a weak justification, opening the relay as a new species doesn't need justification because its the only source of travel for Mass Effect people.
the only one original username chapter 12 . 2/27
Way I see it, zerg wormholes are created by especially powerful psionics, like Kerrigan and her strongest broodmothers. With ton of zerg overlords assisting. While leviathans are merely gigantic ship creatures.
GammaOmegaDelta chapter 6 . 1/25
You know something, all this war could've just been avoided if the council has just ASKED for a sample of a broodling... Both the Dominion and Prottoss got loads of those and the queen ain't worried about getting genophage since they could just evolve in like minutes
Knight5946 chapter 38 . 11/26/2023
You gonna update this EVER? this story has been sitting like this for 4 years now you going for 5 vacant years?! if this is abandoned SAY SO!
TheEarthquake chapter 37 . 11/20/2023
The heavy RVB reference and fight was amazing and the fact it somewhat fits in with the universe setting is amazing. Even the characters line up slightly.
Jarick chapter 38 . 11/5/2023
I'm guessing this has been put on hold, while you work on other projects?
jetjedi chapter 1 . 7/31/2023
alexthom1 chapter 38 . 7/13/2023
Please please finish this while you work on star bound!
Marcellasnow231 chapter 38 . 5/28/2023
This is quite the ride. This is shaping up to be an incredibly good story.

But what I really think would make for interesting complications for Kerrigan and Raynor is that after the collector base is destroyed Raynor accidentally get Kerrigan pregnant with twins. This leads into a phase where the two realize with the Harvester war coming on, they would need to plan on contingencies that would protect the infant twins and this is where Mar Sara comes in handy. By putting the children and any supporting Terran and Zerg personnel there to watch over them, they can then focus on the war on the horizon.

Would make for interesting storytelling!
Fetysh chapter 4 . 4/1/2023
This was pretty good... until I got to the line about the Terrans finding Asari disgusting. Ironically, that is far less believable than actual psychic powers.

There is no goddamn way that the entirety of humanity would find Asari disgusting. It's utterly impossible and unbelievable. Seriously, you could say the Terrans discovered actual magic in this sci-fi fic and it'd more believable than this.
Zandaino-Nova-Ari chapter 3 . 2/20/2023
Muffins sound really good right now
Zandaino-Nova-Ari chapter 2 . 2/20/2023
I think I like the Quarians, Krogan, Drell, and the Elcor the most.
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