Reviews for Naruto: The Game of Life |
Guest chapter 30 . 10/12 You know, IF Naruto were to practice [ Wanajutsu / Wana Ninjutsu ] with his [ Kage Bunshin ], not only would his [ Trapping Skills ] Level-Up, his [ Trap-Detection Skills ] and [ Trap-Evasion Skills ] would also Level-Up, too! E.T.A.? |
Guest chapter 17 . 10/12 Naruto! I double-dare, Double-Dare, DOUBLE-DARE you to, not-only, already have yourself a Tertiary Chakra-Element Affinity Cultivated, but also to have yourself your a Quaternary (4th) AND a Quinary (5th) Chakra-Element Affinities Cultivated, too! The Quinary (5th) Chakra-Element Affinity is, most likely, to be Lightning... So, will Naruto go for Fire as his Tertiary Chakra-Element Affinity... OR Water (against Sasuke's Fire...)...? I also wonder what [ Titles ] or [ Special Statuses ] Naruto would gain *IF* he did accomplish it: Something like, maybe, [ Kamikaze ] or [ Fūjin ] for his [ Fūton Ninjutsu ] Mastery? [ Dojin ] for his [ Doton Ninjutsu ] Mastery? [ Suijin ] for his [ Suiton Ninjutsu ] Mastery? [ Kajin ] for his [ Katon Ninjutsu ] Mastery? And something for a [ Raijin ] for his [ Raiton Ninjutsu ] Mastery (*IF* he accomplishes it)? Your Thoughts? |
Guest chapter 17 . 10/12 When will Naruto start, Actively, working on [ Yōton ] (Yang Style/Release ], [ Inton ] (Yin Style/Release) AND [ Onmyōton/In'yōton ] (Yin-&-Yang Style/Release)? |
Guest chapter 3 . 10/8 'Lick of the devil'? I think you meant 'Luck of the devil'... |
SweetheartofOurs chapter 30 . 10/9 Love this, can't wait for the next chapter! |
Guest chapter 22 . 10/6 Hey, maybe Naruto can find a 'Shadows' version of the 'Gakure' Jutsu, a '[ Kagegakure no Jutsu ]' technique; he could learn it and share it with his friends (a good match for Shikamaru...)...? For 'Gakure' Jutsu, so-far, we've got: [ Kirigakure no Jutsu ], [ Mogeragakure no Jutsu ], [ Kaengakure no Jutsu ], [ Mizugakure no Jutsu ], [ Gamagakure no Jutsu ], [ Haijingakure no Jutsu ], [ Nunogakure no Jutsu ], [ Meisaigakure no Jutsu ]... |
Guest chapter 29 . 10/6 I would love, Love, LOVE to see/read-about Naruto (and, later, his team-mates, too) using [ Taijutsu ] moves like the ones used by Natasha Romanov/Black Widow in the MCU! |
Guest chapter 30 . 10/6 I wonder if the [ Kemono Clan ] also created NinTaijutsu that allows the User (i.e. Naruto) to swim like an Otter, a fish &/or a snake, etc...? It would have been really helpful for Naruto, in this chapter. |
Guest chapter 29 . 10/6 You know, IF Naruto were to practice [ Wanajutsu / Wana Ninjutsu ] with his [ Kage Bunshin ], not only would his [ Trapping Skills ] Level-Up, his [ Trap-Detection Skills ] and [ Trap-Evasion Skills ]would also Level-Up, too! E.T.A.? |
Guest chapter 2 . 10/6 And Tenten's reaction to if/when she learns that Naruto's mother, Uzumaki Kushina, was "Konoha's Red-Hot-Blooded Habanero-Pepper"...!? |
Guest chapter 28 . 10/5 With [ Kayakujutsu ], Naruto could develop his-own "Dragon's Breath" weapon... Tenten'll want one of her-own... |
GlitchsterX7 chapter 30 . 10/7 Please, please, please, Please! Update this! It's so good! |
Guest chapter 7 . 10/5 Naruto needs, Needs, NEEDS him a pair of those [ Kanibasami Kage-te ] Gauntlets of his vary-own! Tenten could stand to get herself a pair of them, too! [ Kanibasami Kage-te ] Gauntlets For Everyone (except Sasuke)! |
Guest chapter 28 . 10/5 Maybe Naruto could hold back a few of choice Chakra Cores; if he has them when he meets the each of the Imprints of his parents, he could give them each one; maybe it would maintain their Presences (at-least for a while, if not indefinately)? |
Guest chapter 28 . 10/5 IF Naruto, here, can, soon, learn some kind of [ Chakra Transfusion ] technique (similar to when he shared-out his and Kurama's Chakra during the 4th Shinobi World War), he would be-able to share-out his Chakra with his friends/team-mates/allies... ...In this FanFic, we can ALL see that, with team-mates like Sakura and Ino, they need all of the help that they can get... |