Reviews for The Shark in the Moonless Night
CapriSunnyD chapter 4 . 2/5
I’m sorry, did you just have Ichigo struggle against Tia? The Ichigo that kill Aizen is struggling with someone that is literal leagues below even Ulquiorra? Look I can suspend disbelief for something’s, but that is just ridiculous. And this is the revised story? Did you have him outright lose in the original or something?
SilentOmen0 chapter 1 . 1/19
Hi, I hope you're doing well! I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your "The Shark in the Moonless Night" The title immediately caught my attention, but the story itself went beyond all my expectations. Your storytelling is outstanding, and the characters are incredibly well developed. As I finished reading, I couldn’t help but imagine how amazing this story would look as a comic. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that it would shine in that format. A little about me I’m a professional artist specializing in a range of styles, and I work on commission. If you're interested, I’d love to discuss the idea of adapting your story into a comic. Feel free to reach out to me through email, Discord, or Twitter.

Discord: goldendraws
Twitter: GoldenArtDraws
codywhite162 chapter 32 . 1/16
Excellent chapter. Looking forward to reading more.
cg037 chapter 32 . 1/14
A great update, keep up the good work.
fallendemon248 chapter 32 . 1/13
Damn so many plotlines moving, the ancients are becoming more active, yoruichi is finally gonna tell ichigo and tia whats happening with her family, and the quincys are beginning to send out scouts.
ulttoanova chapter 32 . 1/12
I really think the wall and the whole other squad is a dumb idea... Zero Squad was enough of an ass pull since they should have gotten involved with Aizen given his goal involved the soul king but this whole wall thing makes no sense even with how convoluted Bleach can be. That said I like seeing the Wandereich getting involved and seeing some OC Sternritters isn't bad, I hope you focus more on the Quincies instead of the wall.
Dre17 chapter 32 . 1/12
glad to see you updating again I love the original story and I'm glad to see the story going to hopefully get finished
InsaneMakaioshin chapter 32 . 1/12
1, Between Yhwach and the ancients, they are between a rock and a hard place.
2. Are we sure that her brother is the culprit?
3. We’re almost caught up to where the old one ended. Will he reboot it again? Come & find out.
Sebine chapter 1 . 1/10
You need to go back and clean up the grammar and typos in earlier chapters
Dragofire07 chapter 31 . 1/2
This entire series is really good, hell it's one of the few fanfics that I would like to see a manga/anime adaptation (which is weird to say because it's based off of a manga/anime) but (not that it's your fault or anything) I was actually expecting there to be more sexual content the reason being he sorta has a harem but the main reason is on Tia's birthday you have a lemon there which as you know is the first time there was any sexual content but for the rest of the times where you know they did have sex or anything you skipped over it which is unexpected but not a problem like I said I would fully like to see this get a manga adaptation so not having it in there makes sense.
DRGUINEAPIG87 chapter 31 . 1/1
Glad to see this story return and I will continue to eagerly await updates.
DRGUINEAPIG87 chapter 31 . 1/1
Welcome back
Lisa-Katagiri chapter 1 . 1/1
Hi there
How are you? I hope I’m not causing any inconvenience. I recently read your story "The Shark in the Moonless Night" and genuinely enjoyed it. I’ve been thinking about turning it into a comic in my style, and I believe it would be an exciting commission project. I'm confident you would also be pleased with the results and might even consider sharing it.

As an experienced digital artist, I am currently open for commissions, and I would love to adapt your wonderful story into a comic format. If you're interested in commissioning me for this project, we can discuss the details further either in the general chat or on Discord.

My Discord is lisakatagiri,

and I’d be happy to chat about pricing, timelines, and how we can bring your story to life in a visually engaging way.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Thank you!
okietrapper chapter 1 . 1/1
Is yoruichi preggers? Is that why she’s avoiding them?
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2024
Welcome back
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