Reviews for Fate Recondite |
Nikkless chapter 1 . 3/31/2020 i hope that Gilgamesh wont be in remnant |
Tetho chapter 10 . 3/7/2020 Go Young Blake, take our Padawan Shirou's heart! Good luck Weiss, I know Shirou can tolerate you more than anyone due to his experiences with Rin. Is the fic dead? Yeah, it is. |
Tetho chapter 8 . 3/7/2020 "May", Blake sooner or later you'll fall for EMIYA rank A Main Protagonist skill and his EMIYA Rank A Charm |
ETHERIOUS3 chapter 10 . 2/12/2020 Please update! This really is a great story. |
Bracting chapter 10 . 2/5/2020 I hope this is continued. |
Lerris chapter 10 . 1/19/2020 This is good overall. I recommend finishing it. Of course, if you aren't going to continue this, you may want to remove the reference to Gigamesh from the last two chapters. You could somewhat end it with just extending the last Shirou scene. It wouldn't be as good as continuing it to a natural end, but still better than leaving it. |
Guest chapter 10 . 1/9/2020 Mas. CAP |
Asher Silverman chapter 4 . 11/2/2019 Jaune is shallow asf and a petty little bitch if a girl says she ain’t interested then move on but he keeps annoying her making her have a negative opinion of her then Pyrrha jerking Jaune off about how good and great he is but boosting his non existent ego. This dudes a self righteous little bitch but I’m not defending Weiss because she is mean but compared to what Jaune did she actually a nice gal she just rejected him harshly but that’s the only way this dude gets it he acts like Weiss did him wrong he only has himself and maybe his dads shitty advice to blame this dude pisses me off I’m just ranting |
silverhawk88 chapter 6 . 9/28/2019 holy crapbaskets! I am really loving this story! I hope you can come back and finish it! You are very detailed in the fight and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I think the one that almost had me laughing uproariously was when Yang lost her hair... and shirou can be pretty over powered...I am loving it! Thank you very for what you have written. I look forward to seeing more chapters! |
ArmoredEnd chapter 10 . 9/9/2019 Plz, man, get back to this story. It's so well written. I need it! |
adammflatt chapter 10 . 8/27/2019 Great start hope its not truly abandoned |
SuperApplePie chapter 10 . 8/10/2019 This story is honestly amazing. The characterizations are all spot on, the pacing is great, and the writing flows really well. I would love to read more! |
Guest chapter 4 . 7/11/2019 To be fair, the problems between Jaune and Weiss seem to go both ways. Persistence is a virtue, but Jaune's constant attempts when the other party is clearly not interested is just creepy. No one likes someone who just fails to get the message that they're not interested. On the other hand, Weiss is unnecessarily harsh on the guy, and could've avoided all this nonsense by telling him that she's just not interested in him that way instead of constantly belittling him. And if he wasn't backing off, telling him that this is not an acceptable behavior is the much more sensible course of action than just berating him constantly. Being a stone-cold bitch about everything, and going as far as to bad-mouth him to other people is just unnecessary and cruel. Granted, this is being seen/told from Pyrrha and Jaune's perspective, so Weiss's faults may be portrayed as greater, but Jaune also should've reflected on his actions. I mean, his rationalization before the fight makes it seem that he completely failed to learn anything from this whole debacle. He thinks that since his actions was well-intentioned, they was okay. This is incredibly childish and selfish. If he even took a moment to think about it from her perspective, he'd see that he was essentially harassing the poor woman. Also, what exactly did he see in her anyways? Other than the most surface level knowledge about her, all his interactions with her has been negative. So either Jaune is incredibly shallow (interested only b/c of beauty, regardless of obvious personality issues), or being a stubborn idiot (the most likely answer). Hell, he reveals that he knows absolutely nothing about her in any way, shape or form. The only thing he does seem to know about her is her team, her name, and her weapon. This is something literally anyone in the school would know. He's been going after this girl for months, but he doesn't know if she even has siblings, or her basic likes and dislikes? At least Weiss learned something from this nonsense (don't be a dick), but in this story, Jaune learns nothing (and seems to get rewarded for it). Ironically, I think the author's intent was to show Jaune's growth as a person through his interaction with Shirou, but in reality, it was Weiss that really grew up. She saw that she shouldn't judge people rashly and so harshly, and that her haughty and cold nature had led to losing out on a possible romance or friendship. Jaune on the other hand felt reinforced in his belief that good intentions should be enough regardless of how it affects others. He didn't realize the difference between Pyrrha and Weiss. He actually got to know the former, and gave a damn about her outside of wanting to get in her pants, but failed to do so with the latter. It's not a dealbreaker or anything, but I think it was a good opportunity that was missed. |
Nagisa Tr chapter 10 . 4/28/2019 Good shit. I want to see how Ruby reacts to weapons like Ardonight or Caliburn though |
Nero Syrinx chapter 3 . 3/25/2019 Shirou is 6'5, while Yang is 5'8. |