Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 39 . 5/14/2021
This is pretty genius. They say you can fake stupidity but you can't fake genius and I agree. This story is pretty genius, I don't want to sound like I'm sucking up, but wow.
As for your author's not, it's nice how you're using common sense. A lot of people who just follow canon blindly without actually thinking about the dead expressed seem to think the magical world wasn't similar to the victorian era but actually stuck in it. It's nice to see another author having the mindset that the magical world is like a different country geographically inside the muggle one, therefore they would have solved some problems, such as gender inequality, but they have more of others that would not happen in the muggle one, because, really, us muggles do not know of any other sentient species, and neither do we have discrimination based on magic style because we don't have magic (and really, who discriminates based on which type of technology you use?).
This makes so much sense, and it's really satisfying how you lay it out.
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 29 . 5/14/2021
oh my goodness that is genius. I've only seen one other genius way of handling Lockhart, having him teach History (newblood by artermisgirl, also Slytherin Hermione centric), but I could never have thought of this. Absolutely genius.
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 21 . 5/14/2021
as for the last sentence, not A Slytherin but THE Slytherin.
or if you prefer to be a common-sense-less wizarding world citizen, The-Slytherin-In-Gryffindor, what with all their love of names (read: titles) with dashes.
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 19 . 5/14/2021
As a Slytherin, I can honestly say from personal experience that borderline unhealthy Apathy does make life a lot easier, but it does also complicated personal relations.
And most importantly is absurdly difficult to write. I've tried.
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 16 . 5/14/2021
love this view of Dumbledore because it's so canonical yet doesn't show him as perfect and infallible like canon does. Well, Canon is like telling Dumbledore to his face "yore perfecta nd infallible" while, when his back is turned, showing how he's, no t that manny people picked it up. Nice to know another author did. Also a good view of Sally's viewpoint, that clears a lot of things up.
slytherinlibrarymole chapter 9 . 5/14/2021
yay! Canonically, we don't really know anything about Blaise Zabini except what we can figure out about his name and he was never named as a Death Eater but was a Slytherin, so he's a sensible choice for a canonical character with an OC personality. Nice little twist.
Reading In Moonlight chapter 98 . 5/7/2021
I am still looking foward to reading the next books of this story. I can hardly believe it has been nearly a year since you posted a chapter since the last time! I hope you are weell and have not forgotten this story, and that you will soon have the time and inspiration to write the next chapters. Thanks for writing and sharing this masterpeace!
Cirque De La Folie chapter 98 . 5/5/2021
Can’t wait to read book 5! Masterpieces like this should be published so I can have a hard copy on my bookshelf but alas, such is life. Instead I will anxiously await your next chapter and reread what is already published again to assuage my longings for more.
at-nightfall chapter 98 . 5/1/2021
Thank you for this story.
I enjoyed reading it.
Akuma-Chibi chapter 98 . 4/25/2021
Ahhhhhh~ I read this story like...once every six months. *such a breath of fresh air* and I get so excited when I see new chapters. I actually feel like I'll cry. *Seriously, here come the waterworks!*

Madam epsi10n,

I am writing to you in hopes that I will perhaps discover how far along you are with your next bulk collection of chapters. With no wish to rush you, of course. Dare I say, you are the only W.I.P that I follow. I know that the last year has been trying, to such a degree that many writers haven't been able to write. Due to a surplus of writer's block or simply no desire to continue. Here's hoping that the creative juices are still flowing steadily with you.

Always faithfully waiting,

Nad19 chapter 98 . 4/24/2021
what a masterful piece! i absolutely love it! thanks a lot!
todell57455 chapter 81 . 4/19/2021
airunee chapter 84 . 4/12/2021
Oof I'm starting to think Snape could be in the running for the romance subplot.. Idk how to feel about it tbh On the one hand, he's physically older than her by 20 years more or less and is old enough to be her dad (this is why I always have an uncomfortable feeling reading MarauderX anyone in Harry's age group or younger like RemusXHermione which I've seen like two stories do). But on the other, Sal isn't exactly a child and is mentally 69 years old by my count...
airunee chapter 83 . 4/12/2021
As always, magnificent parley between all the players and Sal! I can tell that there are several things in between the lines unsaid but as I have very little experience in mind games, I can only guess at what is at play in the shadows. I like how Sal is still precocious and on the fence with Lucius despite their friendly exchanges in the letters prior.

Also, I've been seriously considering what if she revealed she was Salazar incarnate. On the one hand, it would help to tremendously convince her allies to side with and on the other, it sounds far too naive to think everything would be solved with that. I still look forward to the no doubt numerous exchange in this neutral-dark faction. I also like the feeling of anticipating whether or not she'd reveal her identity so I'm glad you don't address it in the notes.
airunee chapter 80 . 4/12/2021
LMAO that understanding nod between her and Krum had me cracking up
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