Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
Victorius 435 chapter 29 . 4/2/2021
Oh nevermind, 100000 POINTS TO SALAZAR Because HE MADE A good one teacher
Victorius 435 chapter 28 . 4/2/2021
Victorius 435 chapter 2 . 4/2/2021
Salazar/Hermione getting free insults, noice someone please give this Man/Woman a medal for patience of not snap at people.
Only Think of Monika chapter 83 . 4/1/2021
This chapter was amazing. Hermione/Sal was phenomenal.
Guest chapter 98 . 3/28/2021
I love this story! I keep checking it for updates incessantly- any idea when you’ll start posting again?
rimi2204 chapter 98 . 3/16/2021
Truly marvellous piece of work. Can't wait for more
EmmelineAristaButler chapter 98 . 3/15/2021
As a consequence of being born with a shy character, I am not accustomed to writing reviews of any kind, and for this reason I implore you to forgive me should any word I write cause discomfort or misunderstanding to anyone that might come across it. However, despite my reluctance to announce my presence one any site, I must force myself to overcome my nature, as you write in such a way that I may not simply ignore the work and talent that you must have put into this story. I found myself quite entertained, to the point of being saddened at the thought of having to wait before I am able to enjoy your magnificent writing once more. Of course, I shall wait as long as necessary, and while doing so, shall enjoy any other works you may have published.
mionepls chapter 98 . 3/6/2021
wow i love this fic! absolutely intriguing on all fronts. thank you for sharing your beautiful writing! god i’m so happy theo wrote his letter
Nickalina chapter 98 . 3/5/2021
Not meaning to rush or anything but will there be an update soon?
hadababa chapter 98 . 2/28/2021
Great story, can't wait for more! Keep up the good work
Guest chapter 98 . 2/17/2021
Can't wait for an update, love this story! -Sara
Guest chapter 28 . 2/9/2021
Nickalina chapter 98 . 2/3/2021
I can’t wait for the next update! One of the best stories on here
Bkcbookworm chapter 98 . 2/3/2021
Epsi10n, this is one of my favorite stories on . You have done a superb job of building Salazar Slytherin's character to make him both powerful and relatable. I am so excited for year 5. I hope you do not abandon this story and that we get year 5 soon!
Guest chapter 98 . 1/24/2021
Such a wonderful tale. One day I would love to see it finished. I will keep coming back to check, even as the years pass.

-wishing you all the best.

IM Sterling.
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