Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
Guest chapter 98 . 1/19/2021
So you leave us hanging here! This is a really good story with an interesting take on canon. It deserves to be finished.

Kirkegaard chapter 69 . 1/14/2021
Keep up the good work, i am looking forward to year 5, when you get it ready
GreatT'Phon1of4 chapter 98 . 1/7/2021
I binged up to this point. Haa, it's really good. Salazar is the best at being Slytherin and it shows.
ILovePortal chapter 1 . 1/5/2021
Lmao, I gotta say, this is my favorite fic on this site. I’m always rereading it.
Sherodx chapter 4 . 1/5/2021
gryff? really? you fucking cock sucking bitch that follow plot like a little bitch
Akira1008 chapter 6 . 1/4/2021
I want to ask something... while rereading i noticed that Year 1: Chapter 6 and Year 1: Chapter 11 missing
Guest chapter 21 . 12/30/2020
Lol. Love it.
Cassiopeia L.M.G chapter 98 . 12/26/2020
Your story is great !
I'm looking forward for the next part.
I'm curious about who he pairs with at the end, I'd like Severus; but being such an interesting story, I think it wouldn't matter if his choice was Theo
I hope you update soon.
Thanks for uploading
Rowanna4 chapter 98 . 12/23/2020
Your Story is great! Thanks for uploading.
It's magnificent how Hermiones Character matches with Slytherin's. And it's gourgeos how Hermione plots in order to gain her targets.
I'm looking forward for the next part.

Altough good luck in finding some people for D&D. Roll-Play-Games are a wonderful Hobby.
If I didn't came from Germany I would habe invited you

Merry Christmas to you
Pecan Crisp chapter 11 . 12/22/2020
So, while rereading I just noticed something... what happened to Chapter 11? You have Year 1: Chapter 10, followed by Year 1: Chapter 12
eternityluvv chapter 98 . 12/20/2020
Mani chapter 8 . 12/15/2020
In the beginning I got hooked on this story because I thought it will be different but so far it's just rehash of canon. Na i pass
Guest chapter 4 . 12/11/2020
Yeah sorry, but just like that I'm gonna drop the story.
What's the point of having Sal reincarnate only to not have him fix his hosue from the inside?
threereasonswhy chapter 92 . 12/11/2020
tHEmIONE, not Salverus!
threereasonswhy chapter 85 . 12/11/2020
not SalVerus!
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