Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
threereasonswhy chapter 84 . 12/11/2020
fk! Honestly Snape you idiot, DONT PROBE
threereasonswhy chapter 83 . 12/11/2020
Hah! Go, Sal!
threereasonswhy chapter 82 . 12/11/2020
Themione, puhlEEZE
Guest chapter 98 . 12/9/2020
I re read this to refresh my memory and got excited again for year 5. There is meme that fits this situation for me and I will endeavor to describe it effectively to you dear author. We dream of what we are missing out on as readers and imagine there is a next chapter button on this page just like the pages previously! Now, I'm not trying to pressure, I just hoped to get a chuckle or even just a warm fuzzy in your heart :) May you be safe in these uncertain times and most of all happy.
MariSweet chapter 60 . 12/3/2020
I’m so mad at myself I totally didn’t realize the connection between the names that Sally has been using as a cover for Tom’s conversation were meant to be play ons for Goodrich, Helga, and Rowena. I realized it at the beginning of chapter 60. I might still be totally off base but the made up situation just seems to parallel so well with the reasons why Salazar chose to leave in the first place along with the image in the mirror.
MissPugLover chapter 98 . 12/1/2020
I've spent the past day binging this fic and it is written so freaking well, I can't even believe it. The premise, the plotlines, all of it is just...incredible.
One request though, I'd prefer Hermione to not have a thing with Snape, as she still is the fifteen year old girl, even though she's like also Salazar and all that. If you do end up with this, I dare say that this would be the only Snamione fic I would read, reread, and recommend. For me, that is the highest of compliments I could give, in all honesty.
I'm so so so glad that Theo's finally going under Hermione's protection, and I really hope at some point she can reveal *some* of her secrets to somebody, so she doesn't have such a burden riding on her. But maybe that's just me-if I had kept a secret and alter-identity of that size for that long, I think I'd completely crack under the pressure.
Looking forward to year 5~
joel jeremiah c chapter 2 . 11/27/2020
joel jeremiah c chapter 97 . 11/27/2020
this is the best thing ever
I can't wait for the next year
could you imagine how cool would it be
also will her little secret be revealed or will it still be the same without anyone knowing
all of that jazz
now here is the real thing
I can't wait for the romance at year 5 and 6
joel jeremiah c chapter 48 . 11/27/2020
amazing, this is the best fanfic ever
Shiraishichan91 chapter 98 . 11/24/2020
OMG! I love this story so much I can't wait for more!
TiredSquishy chapter 98 . 11/19/2020
This hasnt bern abandon has it
Nihatclodra chapter 87 . 11/17/2020
I'm beginning to get the impression that Hermione will end up being paired with Snape in this fanfic...
Nihatclodra chapter 1 . 11/13/2020
I honestly hope thatonce romance comes into this story, you pair Salazar/Hermione with Harry, as the sheer mechanics and implications of such a relationship would be interesting...
Ridea chapter 98 . 11/12/2020
This has been absolutely wonderful to read! It is original in its take and portrayal! I cannot wait to see what you come up with next. Thank you for sharing it.
sashaahmad2522 chapter 98 . 11/9/2020
you're absolutely amazing this story is awesome and im glad to see u plan to update! i have a tiny suggestion! i think sirius needs more involvement because hes kind of the head of the black household now and even though hes for the light he still is an old family. also, since draco ends up being forced to do that stuff in yr 6, it may need to start earlier in some form bc the dark lord will find himself without very many allies as he thought he had so even if he isnt ordered to kill dumbledore he needs to be influenced at least a bit unless u plan to have him play it safe. my last suggestion is have lucius play a double agent for S, but the only ones who know this are lucius and s bc the entire faction knowing would get back to dumbledore. this way s can get super secret info since lucius is in the inner circle. this is a wonderful book!
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