Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
LoveGoodWriting chapter 67 . 11/30/2023
compelling epistolary chapter! nice
miss-direct836 chapter 98 . 11/25/2023
Thank you so much for a wonderful work. The refreshing view on the dark arts and on Slytherin is truly unique, and the layers of intrigue is exquisite.
kestrel73 chapter 98 . 9/17/2023
Really enjoyed the story so far. Looking forward to year 5.
Scarlet Dewdrops chapter 98 . 8/5/2023
Came back for another reread because it's lovely and worth it. Thank you for writing and sharing!
Guest chapter 30 . 6/23/2023
Trying to force the plot to do something is a terrible way to write.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/22/2023
Why is she getting involved?
Guest chapter 10 . 6/22/2023
Why is Salazar getting involved in this thing between Dumbledore supposedly testing Harry?

Isn't it just an excuse to go with canon again?

Stop it.

He has his own goal. Stopping Quirrel is not one of them. Neither is figuring out what is hidden.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/22/2023
Why is she helping Ron with his homework like in canon?
Guest chapter 8 . 6/22/2023
Why is this supposedly wise wizard doing exactly as Hermoine did, or have the same result in canon? Including saying the same retarded lines?

She couldn't deal with the dog while being invisible? She couldn't imperio Ron and Harry?

Why would she tell the same lie as what happened in canon, and enable these two dumbasses for their rule breaking? Why does she have to protect them?

Why are you writing a story if you are just going to rehash canon?
oujiswan chapter 98 . 6/17/2023
Guest chapter 98 . 6/2/2023
La suiiite?
l1ghtt chapter 98 . 5/28/2023
just wanted to say that i just finished reading this fic and. i love it so much Ɛ
i have my issues with the romance aspects of it, but theyre very ignorable, and i just adore this story so much that its not even too much of a bother.
agh. your writing is so good. thank you.
ruth hammond chapter 98 . 5/23/2023
Another great chapter! I await your start of Year 5...thank you.
ruth hammond chapter 96 . 5/23/2023
Congrats! How are your brain and fingers?
ruth hammond chapter 77 . 5/20/2023
I do not worry about the bears but the mosquitos and the wood wasps! Hope you enjoyed yourselves when you were there...
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