Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
tsougrhs.59 chapter 3 . 7/8/2022
this story is so fooking boring.. no wonder ypu dropped this
Shetan20 chapter 3 . 6/9/2022
Thank you for a very enjoyable chapter.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/20/2022
I love Peeves' and old Slytherin's dynamic
Guest chapter 12 . 5/20/2022
I sense a large amount of mothering in Blaise's future. Sally Slytherin and the cute ickle sly firstie she's taken under her wing!
saralinn chapter 98 . 5/18/2022
I love this so much! I legit binged this in one day! I cant wait for year 5!
Ccoronamontijo chapter 98 . 5/15/2022
Are you still alive?
Harry2 chapter 96 . 5/8/2022
Things are coming tpgether. And Hermione IS NOT HAPPY!
Harry2 chapter 89 . 5/7/2022
We know who it is, Barty Crunch Jr, using Polyjuice to impersonate Moody.
Harry2 chapter 72 . 5/5/2022
Severus now knows that Hermione is S! But, he doesn't know EVERYTHING about Hermione.
Harry2 chapter 63 . 5/4/2022
Bring on Year 4!
Harry2 chapter 55 . 5/4/2022
Snape suspects something!
Harry2 chapter 35 . 5/3/2022
Draco, you got told off BUT GOOD! And by your own house, no less! Might be time to eat some humble pie.
Harry2 chapter 29 . 5/3/2022
Sneaky, VERY SNEAKY! But its going to pay off for the students.
Harry2 chapter 23 . 5/2/2022
One threat by Riddle has been dealt with. But now Salazar/Hermione is aware of the Horcruxes. And that, will spell trouble in the future
Harry2 chapter 14 . 5/1/2022
The game is in play, and a move is being made. Hopefully, it will work better than what Dumb Dumb is up to.
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