Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
Nickalina chapter 1 . 8/20/2021
I have loved this story so much for so long. Please let us know if you choose not to continue, but no pressure.
Kali-blue chapter 97 . 8/16/2021
Glad that you added something a little over a year ago. I hope you are doing well and plan to continue this fic. Having Nott the younger sense roses and possibly connect it to HG is intriguing. How to move forward as your plot tightens is curious, and exciting. Wishing you the best. Kali
P.K.D. Heshan chapter 4 . 8/15/2021
Hogwarts never going to know what hit them
nolongeracollegestudent34 chapter 98 . 7/25/2021
I agree with the previous comment. Given her reincarnation status, it would not make sense for her to be attracted (mentally and physically) to the peers she grew up with as Hermione. Rather, if she met an OC in her 30's, they would match her mental age more. I can imagine her choosing to be a single mother and becoming a mother first before having a husband. After Voldemort's demise that is. Creating her own family, with biological children and dear friends. Eventually- meeting a worthy match as she put it for in Theo's case. She's old school- courting and all that is her jam. :) I approve.
Melted Anchovy chapter 78 . 7/22/2021
I kinda hope Sally never becomes romantically involved. She may be Hermione Granger but she's also lived quite a long adult life as Sal. The other kids make fine going friends, but they just don't seem...good enough.
Melted Anchovy chapter 47 . 7/21/2021
Melted Anchovy chapter 5 . 7/20/2021
Kinda sad she isn't in Slytherin. I mean, Gryffindor is cool, it just would've been interesting
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2021
You know an Author isn't a good person, when he doesn't update his story in a year and still deletes negative reviews. Lmao
Violent Scribbler chapter 98 . 7/14/2021
Please please please! Continue this fix, it's too good to leave unfinished! Your writing style is beautiful, your story follows an actual plot that is believable in it's context.. I love it. This my third time re-reading this fic as I just found it in my favorites.. So pls continue
andak chapter 1 . 7/12/2021
Came across this epic jewel of a story. Ive it read twice over and loved it. Most awesome way to get a creative mind flowing and loving all the founders and their backstory. Can't wait to see year 5. Love the snakes too.
PhlamesofthePhoenix chapter 75 . 7/7/2021
I'm rather interested to know if Sally would have gotten in. Because Herminone is obviously nineteen, but Salazar was- 55? I think? So could Sally have gonw through?
Taryth chapter 98 . 7/3/2021
What a story. I'm hoping there will be more in the future, but no rush. The plot feels very original, and especially with exploration with the founders and practicality of magic. I'm glad the nocturne scene was in book 4, I was dreading it not showing up in 100 chapters.
Ramax Viscurio chapter 98 . 7/1/2021
What a Joy and dreadfull Shame. I really enjoyed your Story fpr all 98 Chapter. Since the last Update was a Year ago, i will take this as a Sign, that it won't continue.
While it had it's problems, I think you overcame most of them. This story is full of ideas, many can and should take to heart when writing their own Fanfictions.
Take care, may we meet one day again.
imnotahorcrux chapter 98 . 6/18/2021
This fic is really good! So I hope you've already written Year 5 by this time... I mean, it's been like 10 months? I don't wanna pressure or anything, but I hope you haven't forgotten this gold of a fic.

BTW, I'm so happy for Theo and I hope he's the endgame for Sally as I prefer for Severus to be her 'brother' of some sort.

(lol I kept imagining Hermione as an entirely different looking woman instead of being the girl with bushy/curly hair.)

imnotahorcrux chapter 81 . 6/17/2021
Snape and Sally would make an interesting pair, but I really feel sad for Theo tho.
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