Reviews for Lady Black, Lord Potter
Wantaknow chapter 10 . 1/31
in this story you made harry a dumb wimp why
bleachorange chapter 7 . 1/3
Ok, I dont think this fic is for me. Its avoiding the fun stuff and going in directions I think are dumb. I did enjoy the first couple chapters, at least. But Im outta here.
bleachorange chapter 6 . 1/3
I see the author forgot there was a fidelius on grimmauld place. Daphne cant show up without dumbledore letting her in. I came here to see a funny story with harry and tonks working a relationship out of a drunken contract and this really isnt delivering.

This lady in waiting nonsense really isnt doing it for me either. If daphne is a lady in waiting, why wasnt her mother for lily potter? Shes got a magically inherited position as a servant and was never told of nor trained for it. What a load of crap.

And yeah, this turned from an interesting premise to a joke. Ill give a look over to the next chapter, but Im very close to calling it quits on this one.
bleachorange chapter 5 . 1/3
Honestly, the story was going quite well until horcruxes were brought into it. From that moment, it got weird and lost its flavor.
TheLoneDoctorVII chapter 30 . 12/24/2024
Bloody brilliant
Zile0 chapter 30 . 12/19/2024
This story really touched me and the ending is beautiful. Thank you.
BlazeStryker chapter 7 . 11/23/2024
I give unto you a non-Headbastard's reason Albus would want to keep Harry from the Lordship... keeping Priori Incantatem! Change the wand...
dixonjason403 chapter 2 . 11/22/2024
theres plot holes out the ass, and harry is mentally challenged. ill be honest, im not really wanting to read any more.
dixonjason403 chapter 1 . 11/22/2024
"albus dumbledore, you infuriate me" ...fuckin MOOD
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2024
Jesus fucking christ this story is fucking garbage, you've made Harry such a pathetic oxygen wasting piece of trash and fucked him over so much your story is unreadable garbage.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2024
Why the fuck would they tell Arthur and Molly to stay, the contract in no way shape or form involves them, they have no business being their.
Goosefire chapter 30 . 9/20/2024
Cool story; wanted more detail at the end but I really liked it!
Goosefire chapter 19 . 9/20/2024
Cool. I have to say, I really do not see Hermione/Charlie working out.
TyDM chapter 15 . 8/31/2024
Story was ok for me until chapter 15, when it became quite clear that Harry was a simpleton. Even after the removal of the horcrux, with his life on the line, he couldn't be bothered to pay attention to what the most powerful wizards in the world were discussing... about HIM and the person who was trying to kill him.
He demonstrated all the intelligence of a Labrador. He might be a brave little child, but the idiot deserves to die more than all the others who did die. When that is established, I can't be bothered to read any more, because any contrivance to keep him breathing is an insult to the reader.
blcoachmac chapter 18 . 8/30/2024
I would have thought that 18 year old Harry would have shown up as soon as he said I do!
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