Reviews for Waking Up to a Nightmare
Guest chapter 16 . 12/28/2024
Guest chapter 17 . 12/27/2024
i love this. please put some interaction with gaara. thanks for the updates
Guest chapter 2 . 10/12/2024
Don't future the fucking Sakura and Sasuke only Naruto... When did they ever reached out to help you ?!
Adelene900 chapter 17 . 9/5/2024
Guys, I've been waiting for this fic to update since 2015, and it's still makes me despair and happy at the same time that you all will have to suffer with me...

Dear author, I hope you would come back and continue this story, I really need to know what will happen next. Hopefully you're in good health too.
Arumia chapter 7 . 8/12/2023
Hmmm well other then the “I am a guy” thing the omake was fun
“I like girls” would have worked just as well
Arumia chapter 1 . 8/12/2023
Awww No kurama? But I love that fox
ReikaFuyutsuki chapter 17 . 1/8/2023
Oh my god ! Can't wait for the next chapters !
Jaye chapter 9 . 8/30/2022
Now, this shit is getting boring. I’m a head out
continue Please chapter 17 . 8/9/2022
uh? u gonna continue this?
phosphophillite49 chapter 2 . 5/22/2022
He is kinda being unprofessional here, isn't he ?
god eater chapter 6 . 4/11/2022
i think we need to explore the fact that naruto literally had zero interaction but herself in those seven years of looking for information. this guilt that she is carrying has been exacerbated to the extreme as a result of her loneliness and a lack of companionship. i think this is where ur going with and id like that
god eater chapter 5 . 4/11/2022
i know why shikaku was livid and honestly valid, but something like this is so complicated on both sides that icant think of any way to actually defuse his hostility with her lol that's klnda sad because if she had the chance to help little naruto in his life, she would have 100% more than the entire village lol
Aedwards179 chapter 5 . 3/20/2022
wait. that background story won't work. Obito is still alive. so he'll know she isn't minatos cousin. the background the hokage made said Minato along with Obito and rin found her
Aedwards179 chapter 3 . 3/20/2022
she can just tell the hokage what team she should be on. the academy only gives recommendations they don't control how the teams are actually made.
Starlight chapter 17 . 3/2/2022
7 Years later this is still amazing. maybe one day it will be continued
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