Reviews for Cage and Key
Guest chapter 20 . 1/14
Dumbledore is really well written this chapter. He's just as infuriating as in the books. The way he thinks he's the only person able to deduce who is trustworthy & has no problem with putting Harry in a cage. Cutting him off from the ability to get close to anyone he doesn't find worthy.

Exactly what I find repulsive about HP in the books applies here. He allows Dumbledore to manipulate, control, & make decisions for him. Like telling him who he can trust. Ron is according to him trustworthy...even though he abandons him twice for weeks-months. His controlling & manipulative personality isn't very Gryffindore. More slytherin. I dislike him nearly as much as Umbridge & Bellatrix.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/5/2024
How is he going to take on a deatheater if he struggled with nott
Guest chapter 16 . 4/4/2024
Your basically making everything weaker
Guest chapter 30 . 4/4/2024
Man please finish this
Guest chapter 14 . 4/4/2024
Nott is in for abig fall eventually hopfully he gets hits by harry's bone breaker
Guest chapter 7 . 4/4/2024
Realistically harry should have more hate than anyone in that school all he has to do is think about to, bella and vernon
Guest chapter 6 . 4/4/2024
Hermione is supposed to be intelligent of course he is overworking there phycopathic snake face after him
Guest chapter 3 . 4/4/2024
Why did he not recive the book?
pix25 chapter 30 . 10/17/2023
This was great, hope there is more
GinsengH chapter 1 . 9/1/2023
In a decade and a half of reading fanfiction, there are fewer than a dozen stories that I have read twice. I have now read Cage & Key 3 times, and it gets better each time.

I mentioned, in my 1st review, how this story just brought a constant smile to my face, and I caught myself doing the exact same thing during much of this read through.

Thank you again for a thoroughly enjoyable story!
Anew chapter 30 . 6/20/2023
Real shame this got abandoned. Was one of my favourites. Hope the author is doing well.
Volunteer Insomniac chapter 10 . 5/10/2023
'unbreakable vow', seriously? that essentially renders any sort of dishonesty or betrayal impossible, that just breaks most story devices that make drama. "are you working for the enemy?nomake an unbreakable vow on itno" boom, reason for doubt, now being a double agent is impossible, most court case could be immediately solved
jomsaengi45 chapter 30 . 4/6/2023
Really wish you would continue this!
CarolWim chapter 16 . 12/31/2022
Irritating that's. Hermione and Ron demand to know everything in a total irritating way.
Maybe Harry can demand the same from them, like type and color of underwear, how many times they pleasure themselves and who they think about while doing it, etc.
CarolWim chapter 18 . 10/25/2022
The problem I have with this story is that I suppose to fix this computer, but I can't stop reading. That's a serious problem I can't solve so fast.

Well, I try one more hour of reading and try it again.
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