Reviews for Second Wind
PsiOmicron chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Thanks for read
theguyinblue chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Take care lost. I do hope you would atleast give us one last update on how the story suppose to end. you know a summary would really be great.
Sekirou chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
The update of this story brought back memories. It's a shame that it's discontinued, but life happens! Glad to know that you're doing well, and have even started original works. Thank you for all that you've done for us readers, and I wish you the best of luck!
Tarelectro chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
If you’re into original story writing, could you do a prequel to “mercy”
Geurtg chapter 1 . 2/3/2023
Buena historia
qiaraz97 chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Please. Please don't delete your story. I would love to reread and reread it over again even if it is discontinued.
I loved it very much. So please don't think of deleting it.
Mr. Blackwood chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Thank you for letting us know. You have your life and that's completely understandable, so I hope you succeed for whatever you put your mind to and thank you for all the hours of entertainment you've given to myself and other readers.
Take care! o7
yahska chapter 69 . 2/3/2023
This is the beast One Piece time travel fanfiction I have read till now.
HPotterfan101 chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
While I am not happy about this story being discontinued, I am grateful that you had the good grace to tell us that, thank you.
exillion chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
... you know what I hate more than an updated story? Attention grabbing cunts like you who uses an update after teo years... to say the stoey is cancelled.

Yeah, we all fucking know, you stupid fuck.
kittenkitten746 chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Sad to see It end, happy for you to be moving on and letting us readers know it has reached an end. It was a fantastic read, may your drinks be ever full, and heart overflowing.
Soriel Riot chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Thank you for the fanfic! It is one of the best stories I've ever read!
Jack Inqu chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
While I'm sad that this story won't be finished, I understand that your life and responsibilities come first. I wish you all the best in your current and future endeavors; thanks again for all your writing. If and when you you publish original works, I would love to read them.

Take care, good luck, stay safe, and stay healthy.
Ethloc chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
Thanks for the awesome story. Have a good life and I toast a drink to you while listening to Bink's Sake.
David12leca chapter 70 . 2/3/2023
You did fantastic and if any of your stories are fantasty lets me know please
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