Reviews for Memories of a Simurgh Victim - Diabolus ex Machina
Partition chapter 12 . 5/2/2015
Okay, wow. The Victoria/Amy pairing is even more fucked up than I had imagined it would be. The only thing I can't really tell is if Amy is faking it or if she's really gone off the deep end like Victoria has. Only one way to find out. Onward!

Thanks, by the way.
Tzimiscar chapter 5 . 4/12/2015
Smirugh vs Noelle, Brockton Bay will go down in history (and literally, there should not be much left of the city after a battle between two S-class threats)
Taylor getting one over Coil by her suicidal tendency... this story deserves more reviews
Amatsumi chapter 14 . 3/31/2015
Simurgh enhance of her fantasies being integrated into her consciousness impairing her judgement?
Ranmyaku Kiritsu chapter 14 . 3/30/2015
Mother. fucking. Simurgh.

Time to go read happy things, pet my dog's fluffy ears...


Andoma chapter 1 . 3/28/2015
I enjoyed this fic. You just don't see don't see many Alt!End Bringer attack fics.

Also, great attention to detail. I had completely forgotten that Noelle didn't need to swallow someone to make clones of them.
Andoma chapter 4 . 2/16/2015
I enjoy your fics but I must mention, Noelles power does not work this way. She needs a person inside her to make clones. No person, no clones. I quess you could call it artistic license but I still felt it needed mentioning.
WellWhatDoYouKnow chapter 12 . 2/15/2015
This is really good, definitely one of the best worm fanfics out there.
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