Reviews for Child of Lightning |
wsbenge chapter 38 . 10/17/2021 Odin is almost always the mega powerful idiot. One who does nothing with it but serve himself and Asgard's isolation. It is a common theme. Perhaps founded in our own reality. The Powers That Be allowing pain and suffering for an unknown reason. Look at me be all philosophical. Your story got me to thinking. :) |
wsbenge chapter 37 . 10/16/2021 All it takes is a simple false self fulfilling prophecy to a powerful gullible person. Odin and Dumbledore, is this story. Controlled by yet another enemy. |
Roxxi-Chan chapter 46 . 9/19/2021 Tenía está historia para leer después y me perdí como 20 capítulos sin leer y cada uno me iba sorprendiendo cada vez más, ahora me encantaría que no tardarás mucho para publicar el siguiente capítulo el suspenso me mata cuando lo dejan en partes interesantes y quiero saber cómo va a recuperar sus poderes Thor y que va a pasar con Loki y sus hijas y los amigos de esas hijas y cuando esas hijas revelarán sobre sus sangre piadosa ... Me muero por saber NO TARDES POR FAVOR... |
KaylaBears18 chapter 46 . 9/3/2021 Great story, hope to see an update soon! |
fairylover2004 chapter 46 . 8/23/2021 Rereading this and still getting excited despite knowing the next things. I hope you'll update this soon! We will always wait for this! |
Guest chapter 4 . 7/28/2021 If the Phoenix didn't get Hope why wouldn't it just burn the Earth to ashes, it's been doing that across the universe Hope spent her entire life being hunted and told she must survive to save mutantkind Did they ever say if Hope was influencing people on purpose or if she was it was for the survival of mutantkind Scott's apparent goal actually fairly simple: Protect the new emerging mutants and make up for killing Xavier. Uncanny X-Men, basically, comes down to him and his team finding new mutants who's powers are emerging, bursting in big-damn-heroes style, defend them from any violent trigger-happy police officers, then get the kid out of there. For some reason though they keep calling it a 'revolution', which seems to be why everyone's so scared he's going to mess things up for everyone, but he's not actually done anything 'revolutionary'. Hell, last issue of Consequences had him outright say what they're doing is nothing new. It was Wolverine who kept X-Force going when Scott felt it was no longer necessary what really, really bugs me about Jason Aaron's writing is that he always does the whole 'Cyclops vs Wolverine' argument thing, and when he does, he actually gives Cyclops a lot of good arguments and generally makes him the most agreeable character in the situation, but then it’s clear from how he writes it is that we're not supposed to agree with him. Especially since we're supposed to agree with Wolverine, and all his arguments are utter BS. I mean... -"It sure looked like you." And it sure looked like YOU, Logan, all the times you've killed innocent people or tried to kill innocents while possessed. Hell, he cut off a guy's arm because he got pissed at him, not to mention all the times he tried to kill innocent or mostly innocent people 'for the greater good' or whatever, as noted before. -"You killed one and teamed up with the other." 'The other' who surrendered and asked to join their side, before saving Kitty from her space bullet. Magneto has done terrible, terrible things. So have you Logan. He wants to make up for those terrible things. Just like you Logan. Stop judging him, and judging Cyke for giving him the chance to. You didn't have much problem with him doing that when you were on his side. It still bugs me how everyone keeps judging Cyke because he gave Magneto another chance to do good. -"Jean knew who she was and what she'd done." After the original Dark Phoenix saga, the first time they saw Jean after that mess they accepted her with open arms. When she was going crazy, they tried to calm her down. Wolverine's first response to seeing Cyclops start going Dark Phoenix was to just kill him, and the Avengers and other X-Men let him. Jean also felt bad for what she did, as does Cyclops here, but Jean (or the Phoenix copy of her) killed billions of innocent sentient beings while Cyke killed one fairly douchey man with a lot of douchey secrets, and while they still all love Xavier, that doesn't change the fact that they're holding Cyke to a very unfair double standard. Sure, he's not the 'sweet innocent soul' Jean was, and he's done a lot of bad things himself, but that still doesn't mean he deserves to be held accountable for every last bad thing he did while possessed by a cosmic entity he was not supposed to control. -"you put your people on a path to war." ...No, no he didn't. The world around him did. Mutants were reduced to less than a hundred in their numbers, they had genocidal mad-men gunning for them at every side, every day they faced extinction, to the point that when he only lost ONE teammate, he could call that day a good one since he didn't lose more. They were in the $#!tter, and like it or not, they had to take off the kiddy gloves and strike back or die horribly. Despite all these things coming at them though, Cyke held the group together and took down what was coming at them; his actions weren't pretty, but he kept them alive. Be grateful, you self-righteous sack of $#!t. -"I know I made my own mistakes, but I'm trying to do good." So, it’s OK for you to seek redemption, but while Cyke tries to make up for his mistakes by saving mutants from people who'd hurt them, no, he's gone too far and he needs to pay? Seriously Logan, do you not see why that's so hypocritical? It’s nice you're trying to do good, but instead of being a baby, let Cyke do good with you. -"When I go down, I go down alone, but when you go down you'll take us all with you." Who, exactly, is currently teaching a school? A proper school, with tons of students? Who is currently the one in charge of the big team of X-Men? Logan, if you 'go down', there's a good chance it'd result in all those kids going down too. Cyke, if he goes down, really, all it'd do is turn him into a martyr since all these in-universe liberal kids love him. Logan seems to be continently forgetting the bus loads of students that got torched back in the New 'Mutants: Childhood's. No mutant school's an island. "You don't hate yourself nearly enough." Uh, yes he does. It’s pretty much a character trait that he doesn't think very highly of himself, and since Xavier's death he's pretty much suicidal. Hell, does he not remember that Cyclops wanted him to kill him? You should know more than anyone how much Cyclops hates himself, and frankly, it’s disgusting to tell someone they should hate themselves, especially when you know they have mental issues. -"These days you're too much like me." How? When Logan did bad things, especially when he killed people, it was usually because he had serious issues controlling his behavior. He sometimes took lives because he felt it was needed, but that's actually fairly rare, and more often than not, it was just because he was feeling fairly violent at the moment. In short, he's an animal. Cyclops, on the other hand, when he did bad things or took lives, it was because he believed that if he didn't, people would die. Given that he ended up being right most of those times, he has a point. Not to mention, this 'Don't be like me, I'm a bad person' BS is, again, incredibly hypocritical thinking. If you're such a bad person to be like, Logan, then why are you head mastering a school? If being 'like you' makes him such a bad fit for leader of the X-Men, why are YOU, of all people, the one currently doing that? I know, it’s kind of pathetic to basically argue with a fictional character, but it really bugs me that we're supposed to agree with Logan here. the one thing he would change if he could do it over again would be him dying in Xavier's place. As for giving up the Phoenix, considering what his teammates did with the power that wouldn't have been a good idea. At the very least Emma and Namor would have done much worse I'll never buy that Scott wanted to kill Xavier. He has been very angry at him at times. Doesn't mean he'd want him dead. Colossus put crabs legs on whales. I somehow doubt that was a manifestation of his deepest desires Asteroid M(s) made of Krakoa- Savageland(s), Danger/Cerebra, (Zero-Techno-organic-Technoarchy, Phalanx like Barbuda Builders Initially Wolverine was a rebel who often got himself into trouble and had to learn to respect Cyclops' leadership, but as fans of his got promoted into being his writers, and his problems with Cyke grew to the point he's shunned him and taken leadership of the 'real' X-Men team. We're supposed to take Wolverine's side in their arguments, given he usually gets the last word in and he is seen as 'the good guy', despite him instigating most of their arguments, and that had they gone with his idea everything would have been screwed. In Schism, when Cyclops argues they stand and fight while he wants to run away to protect the younger students, he starts a physical fight that wastes time until the Sentinel is there, and he continues the fight while also fighting off the Sentinel, before eventually going with Cyclops' plan, which ends up being the right call. He splits the X-Men, and again we're supposed to agree with him. In Avengers vs. X-Men, the spiritual follow-up, the entire incident could have been avoided had he not bad-mouthed Cyclops to Captain America, and later he suggests the idea of killing Hope (you know, the girl who can repopulate his race?!) to end the Phoenix threat, which later turns out to have been a terrible idea that nobody else supported. Despite that, he ends up on the side of angels while Cyclops is arrested for terrorism. This hit its peak when, during the Battle of the Atom crossover, Wolverine calls out Cyke for killing Charles Xavier. Never mind that Cyke was possessed by a cosmic force and killed Xavier in self defense, Wolverine kills all the time! Cyclops calls him out on the hypocrisy, pointing out that Cyclops has killed one person, while Wolverine has killed many. How does Wolverine respond? "Nobody I've killed matters." That is a direct quote. Note that at the time, Northstar was on his team, a character who, a few years ago, Wolverine had killed while brainwashed, essentially the same circumstances that Cyclops was under when he killed Xavier. No one points this out. Jean essentially mind raped Cyke into foaming a relationship with Emma so he would move on after her death. Keep in mind, Emma herself originally mind raped Cyclops into having an affair with her before Jean's death and he never intended on leaving Madelyn he just wanted to meet with Jean not his fault S'ym tricked her and led Cyke to believe she was dead And the Revolution (and not all are violent) was a bluff _ Emma wants good things, safety for her students and mutantkind, she has learned not being a villain is more effective but she still won't put principle over pragmatism, this is WHY she is such an awesome ethics teacher I'm supporting Cyclops he may not be doing it in the best of ways, and he could benefit from trying to have a sit down with Cap and Logan and trying to get some peace between the three of them, but he's still the only one trying to help the situation. All Logan's lot are doing are telling him he's in the wrong, going on about how bad he is, and how, if they confront him it'll cause a war. They're literally sitting back and letting the world tear apart the new mutants and judging him for trying to stop it. The thing that bugs me whenever Scott says he gave up/moved on from that, in that he clearly hasn't. He spent a considerable amount of time while in San Fran building bridges between humans and mutants (during the time when he was most criticized for putting peace to the back burner), and even today, Scott's motivations for everything is to stop humans picking on mutants. That's petty much one of the main things Xavier taught him to do. He's not actively trying to antagonize humans or start a war or preaching mutant supremacy, if anything, is actions could lead to his team preventing it. He knew that letting the Avengers take Hope away would cause the world to become a nuclear wasteland in the future from future Cable (who Marvel has treated as Jesus for decades) "His public persona is almost at t-shirt level. He’s like a Che Guevara kind of image for college students. And they go, “Scott Summers is trying to feed the poor and clean the water and do all this cool stuff as Phoenix,” and they don’t know what happened. They just know that “The Man” kind of shut him down. So they look at him and he’s on the cover of "Rolling Stone," so there’s this image of Scott Summers that he’s trying to live up to while he’s dealing with all his demons and all the misunderstanding and hatred that he has from the other mutants." It was Stark on Captain America's order who got the Phoenix in them in the first place Scott wasn't trying to hurt anyone at that point. He was honestly trying to help, and he did do some things that were noble, such as stabilizing climates and providing food for starving countries. The two seem more bothered that its Scott's got all this power, rather than what he's doing with it. Scott did, however, turn crazy evil, but not until after the Avengers did some pretty dickheadish things to piss him off. Its hard to blame someone for losing control or turning into the Dark Phoenix when the 'heroes' are so obsessed with the fact he might turn evil or go mad with power that they do everything they can to make him angry the Avengers are adults too who are capable of voicing their concerns and such by means other than 'attack-attack-assemble', and are more than capable of trying peaceful solutions. However, what should be stressed is that, none of the Phoenix Five were mentally sane, before or after it bonded to them. The Phoenix is a power that requires the host be completely in control of themselves. Magik is crazy, Namor is bipolar, Emma is prone to bouts of self loathing and guilt, Piotr was currently demonically possessed, and Cyclops is, well, he requires a list: He's completely incapable of expressing emotion in a healthy, adult manner, he's also prone to self loathing, he blames himself for all the tragedies in his life (from Thunderbird's death to the Schism with Logan), he was possessed by Apocalypse and died, came back, was separated, and spent a while afterwards dealing with intense PTSD to which he never actually got proper treatment or counselling for, he's currently got the Void, the entity responsible for Sentry's mental issues, locked up inside his head, he's still obsessed with his first girlfriend, he was abused as a child, he spent his teen years being trained to be a child soldier, and following the death of his wife he's basically left with nothing but being the leader to his team. Scott is literally the last person who should've been given the Phoenix. The point is, they may be adults, but they're not mentally sane adults, and the Phoenix force does not help that matter. The P5 had the excuse of the Phoenix making them more prone to acting out in a manner that they shouldn't do so. Cap and the Avengers didn't have that excuse, they acted just as childish, idiotic, and antagonistic as they did, and did so without the same mental issues or cosmic fuel to the fire Scott like Black Panther and Captain America are supposed to be like Marvel’s Batmen, but he doesn’t have the charisma they do or even Magneto and Xavier There are reasons Sinister is obsessed with Cyclops family genes Beast killed millions on Cap’s order also I know Xavier was a loved one and his death hurts more, but it still seems hypocritical to me Not to mention what happens when the Celestials come back the Mutants aren't there I think they'd effortlessly destroy the world after effortlessly defeating every superhero and every single god in every single pantheon Balance it with the countless more lives the Phoenix has saved, it is a fundamental force of the universe, life incarnate, sometimes you need a forest fire so new life, future generations (which is all that really matters) to thrive, sometimes nature must be ruthless and brutal Rachel Summers... the last human host of the Phoenix Force, who wielded the power for years as a hero and never once went as out of control as The Avengers have talked about. You'd think someone, like say Wolverine, who is an Avenger and knew both Rachel and Jean Grey, would mention this. Nope. You'd think the X-Men — many of whom, like Logan, were teammates with both Phoenixes — would mention this or the fact that Jean didn't really go crazy until her mind was mucked with by Mastermind? Again, nope. Rachel herself? Again. No Mutatis mutandis roughly having changed the things that needed to be changed |
Guest chapter 3 . 7/28/2021 Shuma-Gorath, for instance, has relied on numerous gods and demons to do its bidding and has a massive power difference to back it up. Mephisto and Sataanish, demons who in their own realms are nigh-omnipotent, are said to be like "mice in a great temple" compared to even one of Shuma-Gorath's weaker forms. It is the ruler of literally hundreds of universes and worshipped in thousands more, so the fact that it is a God of Evil makes its power particularly worrying. It got worse when it's revealed in The Thanos Imperative that Shuma-Gorath is merely one member of an entire pantheon of these things called the Many-Angled Ones Mephisto, Satannish and a few others are "brothers" in the sense that they were born from the same "mass of evil energy", possibly the one left after the destruction of the Elder Gods. Also, Satan has NEVER officially appeared in Marvel Comics; it's always been some other demon impersonating him. This is a retcon, probably for politically correct reasons, as Satan was a regular character in the "Son of Satan" (now known as Hellstorm) series in the 1970s. That "Satan" was later revealed to be Marduk Kurios, possibly a corrupted version of the Babylonian god (but there's someone else claiming to be that deity, too.) He showed up again when Wolverine went to hell. The "Satan" who created Ghost Rider was revealed to have been Mephisto. Mephisto has claimed to be the source of all evil on several occasions. Of course, Mephisto lies. The true nature, if any, is kept intentionally vague. Well, what with his appearance, being one of the few demons to actually offer humans deals with the Devil and trying to corrupt pure souls, he's probably the closest thing the MU will ever have to Satan. Marvel did have a "Satan", but that later retconned because of the CCA at the time. Marvel introduced the fallen angel Lucifer into the Marvel universe, but insists he is a different entity than Satan(which isn't invalid Fallen angels seem to be a different beast than the Mephisto type demon lords altogether. The first appearance of the "Son of Satan" was in an issue of Ghost Rider. Daimon and Satana Hellstrom's and GR's Satan were the same entity, originally. It was revealed in a Fear Itself Tie-in, that the Demon Lords have meetings around Satan's empty throne. Mephisto even mentions, that while Demon Lords like to falsely claim to be "Satan", none of them dare do it near Satan's throne, or even sit on it. If they did, they'd be torn apart by all the other claimant hell-lords. It was noted though by Mephisto that Marduk Kurios really does believe and persistently insist that he is in fact THE real Satan, so for all we know "Satan" may originally have been the official title for the ruler of Hell and not a specific entity, with Marduk the first holder of the title until he was eventually deposed and failed to regain his throne ever since. It should be remembered after all that during the Chaos War storyline, the Devil Powered by All of Hell's Fire who personally battled Marvel's biggest Big Bad to date, the Chaos King itself (who is the yin to the yang of Eternity himself), in the last stand of the Marvel nether realms, was Marduk Kurios. There are also many demon lords who don't go after the title of Satan but have no less nefarious goals, such as Lilith, Blackheart, Asteroth, The Beast Of The Hand and Plokta. All but the latter are confirmed to have different origins than the main group though. Mephisto goes on a date with New Mutants member Magma; apparently confiding in her, he explains that, while he is the embodiment of one of the great forces of the universe, the force that created him also gave him desires and emotions, and occasionally wants to do human things. Magma later confided to Blink that she has subsequently seen Mephisto again, but wishes to keep it secret. After speaking with the Gods at the Infinite Embassy, Mephisto headed to the Devil's Advocacy to speak with the other demons about the Serpent's threat on Earth. Mephisto briefly appears to assist Deadpool in destroying one of his demon lieutenants, before taking a major part in the Hell On Earth War, where he is defeated and replaced by X-Factor member Strong Guy as ruler of Hell. Mephisto does more good than UNICEF because if people die young quick and horrible they go straight to heaven because they never had a chance to do bad things it's not like he's trying to hide or justify the fact that he's dedicated to tricking people out of their souls so he can torture them for eternity. He doesn't particularly come off WORSE after the whole Disir thing Mephisto may be cute and funny and charming when he wants to be, but he's also basically the worst person in the universe. Unless Amara's more myopic than Harley Quinn, it's hard to see how she could put that out of her mind enough to enjoy the date He's sometimes been impersonated by lesser demons who imitate his form. Such demons are defeated far more easily than the virtually invincible Mephisto he'll often allow himself to be beaten if he can use the event to give a greater enemy more grief down the line While he's certainly very, very powerful and competent and has a not-insignificant amount of major accomplishments to his name, he also likes to act like he's a far bigger deal than he actually is, as beings like Chthon, Set, and Dormammu greatly dwarf him in power (unless he's in the confines of his own realm, but they aren't dependent on that) and potential reach (he generally accomplishes far more than they do, but that's because they're either locked away or act on a far larger scale, which understandably takes more time and effort). This is partly strategy, however- he makes himself out to be the Ultimate Evil because that works to his advantage, making his enemies and victims fear him more as well as spreading misinformation about who and what he really is (if he even knows himself). Still arguably counts as this since he's rarely quite as successful or menacing as you'd think a genuinely powerful demon like him should be. Then again, he could be deliberately trying to appear weaker than he really is, so maybe he's playing a long-game. Regardless, he's never one to be underestimated. Case in point, he once tricked the supposedly far greater Dormammu in fighting Galactus, resulting in the former getting eaten for his troubles. By comparison, the one time Galactus in Mephisto fought (again,in Mephisto's own realm), he stalemated Galactus instead. The same story also shows Mephisto-from within his own realm- effortlessly bending Umar, Dormammu's supposedly only slightly less powerful sister, to his will This is why no one should ever make a deal with him. He absolutely loves overly specific interpretations of deals that screw the other party over as much as possible while still technically being within the terms. A good example was the time when he pitted Johnny and Zarathos against Asmodeus, saying they would be freed from each other if they managed to outrace him, but if they weren't fast enough to win, they'd have to serve Asmodeus. Ghost Rider wins the race, but Mephisto finds some reason to back out of the deal. Ghost Rider was really bait to get his rival to accept a small fine; Mephisto might consider being blasted into non-existence "small" but it probably wasn't what Asmodeus had in mind. Had the tables turned and this used against him by Thanos. He offered to help in one of the Mad Titan's quests in exchange for a Cosmic Cube. Once it was over, Thanos gave him a Cube and Mephisto immediately tried to use it to obliterate Thanos. Turns out that Cube's power had already been drained and it was useless. Thanos pointed out he never specified a functional Cosmic Cube and that even devils should be careful when making deals with the Mad Titan. Needless to say, Mephisto was not pleased Writers can't seem to agree on exactly what he is or where he came from; since he's the Prince of Lies, this has been explained as Mephisto either not knowing himself and/or making stuff up to better confuse people. On one occasion Dormammu thought he was playing Mephisto like a fiddle, only for the exact opposite to be true, with Mephisto even calling Dormammu out on having the nerve to try and deceive him when he was the one who invented deception and manipulation He knows how people think Yeah, he always fulfills his part of a deal because he's bound by oath. That being said, he will always fulfill it to the letter and nothing more while going out of his way to screw over the other party as much as he can within the confines of the oath, and if the terms of a deal don't really allow him to do that much to mess someone or he really feels like being a dick, he'll just rob them of everything that they gained from the deal somewhere down the line. He has no reason for doing any of this, either; "just felt like being an asshole" is about as deep as his rationale gets. Needless to say, it tends to come back to bite him in the ass, but since he's virtually impossible to destroy and has a seemingly neverending supply of new entrants for pacts, "don't $#!t where you eat" has never really crossed his mind |
Guest chapter 2 . 7/28/2021 Asteroid M(s)-Krakoa- Savageland(s) Danger (Zero-Techno-organic-Technoarchy Phalanx Barbuda Builders Most of the heroes consider Fury a good guy because the thought of him being a villain is too terrifying you will never be as bada$$ as this World War II vet from New York's Hell's Kitchen Fury started fighting the Nazis with his band of brothers the Howling Commandos first before moving onto more esoteric foes of humanity It was sometime between moving to work for the CIA and fighting a hate-ray powered clone of Adolf Hitler alongside a walking pile of rocks that Fury realized that when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. And thus has followed a several decade long Crowning Moment Of Awesome Why he is cooler than you will ever be: He has a Flying Car, he parks this Flying Car in his Flying Base filled with Life Model Decoys and psychic spies, he's fought radioactive robots in space, he's chased a warlord to another dimension to fight psychic duels with his literal Eyepatch of Power, he's hunted Godzilla he is a Badass Normal feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings, he is feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings because he has demonstrated the "nigh" portion by killing several, he never looks at explosions, he does, however ride motorcycles through explosions while shirtless and Dual Wielding Laser Pistols, he is literally ageless, he once willingly turned himself into an Eldritch Abomination to save reality, he's beaten up Adolf Hitler on more than one occasion Captain America Cyclops and Black Panther are Marvel's Batmen Bats even says Cap would be beat him though it would take a long time Master of the World, Leader/Maestro, Kang Doctor Doom White Wolf/Man-Ape/Killmonger (K'Liluna), Mandarin Baron Mordo Demonicus, Tomi Shishido-The Hand, Apocalypse- Weapon Infinity/Super Skrulls all cool X-Men villains, Azazel Selene Sebastian Shaw Sinister,clones of Madelyn Pryor (Goblyn Queen) (Karasu and Sojobo-Tengu) Margali Szardos Amanda Sefton (Scarlet Witch Storm and Agatha Harkness are Earth's High Priestess together,Homo novissima Sublime/Arkea, Cassandra Nova Neo, Children of the Vault, Romulus Onslaught Pandemic Vargas High Evolutionary Kingpin- The Owl/Count Nefaria/Mr. Negative/The Hood HydraCap- Wolfgang von Strucker/Zemo/Viper, Hive/Kraken/Scorpio- Nick Fury's clones Master Man/Warrior Woman/Baron Blood Bricklemoore twins Maybe Dracula Vampire Kingdom on the Moon Drakulon Arkon Foreigner Sentry/Taskmaster super soldier serum The Celestials are why we have mutants and other things don't just kill humans but sometimes give them powers, they made the Eternals also Namor- He's a mutant as well why he has wings on his ankles Atlantis Pietro-Crystal-Attilan-Inhumans- take command of Kree Intergalactic Empire Charles Xavier-Lilandra- Command of Shi'ar Intergalactic Empire (Kid Omega/Zen Gunnery) Storm-Black Panther-Wakanda (Techno Organic Jungle Intergalactic Empire) Monster Island- Archipelagos off Japan and Bermuda Triangle connect through vast passageways all across the earth through the Earth hordes of giant monsters commanded by Mole Man |
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2021 His calculations were right Reed doesn't understand magic That small scar was a scratch from Mephisto he HAD to put the mystic burning guardmask on that way Doom does not beg Doom has his honor he will keep the letter of his word it is not Doom's fault you did not pay close enough attention or are not smart enough to see through it of course that goes out the window when he can prove he's smarter than Reed of course that goes the other way as well his greatest noblest deeds are doing what Reed can't Saving Susan Storm, her daughter, and Johnny Storm when Richards couldn't do anything to help them. And then ensuring he would never forget his debt to him by naming the newborn child after his former beloved, Valeria. Whom Doom guaranteed no one will ever harm. Also a Heartwarming Moment. In Loki: Agent of Asgard, when Latveria's people devolve into fighting each other under the Red Skull's Hate Plague, Doom's attempts to restore order quickly devolve into more violence as he starts succumbing to the same. Until a homicidal thought against Valeria crosses his mind, at which point he quickly realizes that he is under telepathic attack. He immediately shields himself successfully, divines the attack's source and turns his thoughts to finding a solution for all Latverians. If his people don't like him they at least hate him less than any likely alternatives Within the same sequence Doom delivers perhaps the only fully justified use of A God Am I a mortal can make: Having soundly defeated a god, he has achieved symbolic godhood, which aids his magic. Doom, while being dissected by a god-like entity after being torn limb from limb in the course of a one-man assault on the same, proceeded to kill said entity with Doom's one remaining hand and take his power for Doom's own. in one dimension he was the only one in the entire universe to resist being consumed by a zombie plague through sheer willpower alone is a perfect example of the iron determination possessed by Doom. the time he fought Red Skull on the moon and let Steve Rogers remember that as a Romani, Doom earned his chance to make that Nazi swine pay. When Doom was in the time of King Arthur with Iron Man, no tricks with their technology were needed to impress Arthur; the Seal of Latveria Doom wears as sovereign was enough for the proper respect When Reed Richards was out of action and the Fantastic Four (or what remained of them) were facing off against an impressive psychic power called...No, that would be telling. Let the following quote show you why exactly the Fantastic Four came to Doom for aid. "Turn your eyes from the Torch, Over-Mind — DOOM approaches!" In a Fantastic Four: The End mini-series, a future Doom is shown to be battered and using special armor which includes a pair of cybernetic limbs. The accursed Richards ends up tricking Doom into entering the Negative Zone for his supposed death. But the final page shows Doom standing atop Annihilus' corpse, the alien's severed head in one hand, the Cosmic Control Rod in another and the assembled hordes of the Negative Zone chanting "DOOM! DOOM! DOOM!" Beware, Richards, for this future Doom has conquered the Negative Zone itself When Tony Stark fired a volley of his repulsor blasts at him, Doom calmly waited behind the mystical barrier he had established, unflinching. After he failed to penetrate the barrier with his Hulkbuster armor, he then calmly explained how he would be better off working with him, instead of against him. A combination of magic and technology made Doom undetectable to his new armor while Doom waited for him at a children's hospital. After an... "incident" involving Luke Cage, Doom's castle came under attack from Latverians who turned against their ruler. When last seen, Doom was facing off against them... rest assured, Doom triumphed effortlessly. Doom gets one in a flashback issue of All-New, All-Different Avengers during the Civil War 2 tie-ins. In the past he sought to annex a bordering country, which the Avengers opposed him in battle for after getting word from a future vision that they'd win the battle. He was prepared though, as he had left a contingency in his super weapons that if destroyed they'd wipe out a rare mineral from the nation he was invading, the sole resource of the nation. With it gone, the nation's economy was ruined and they had no choice but willingly join Latveria. Doom lost the battle true, but he won the war. The issue depicting Doom's return from Hell (or a Hell like dimension, take your pick) shows Doom's return to Latveria. In the time Doom had been gone, a provisional government had been set up, briefly run by the very corrupt Lucia Von Bardas. After her deposure, the new Prime Minister starts thinking about what to do with all those Doombots, and the mindset that went into making them. Latverian Prime Minister: Any other man... Doom: (appearing from absolutely nowhere, grabs the man by the neck) Any other man... would not be Victor Von Doom. (breaks the man's neck) "I am Bast, Cat God of Egypt, Panther God of Wakanda. Lie to me, Doom, and I WILL DEVOUR YOU!" Doom: "I know who you are. And I know that when I stepped through that arch, my life was forfeit." "But know this: I give to you what I have given to no one else. I open my mind and heart and soul to you." Bast: "Is that bravery or arrogance that puts such steel in your voice?" Doom: " Neither. It is faith. I know who and what I am. Look into my soul, cat god. Look and see the truth that is DOOM." Bast: "You would slaughter millions to save billions. You would rewrite history, wreck nations, let yourself be called a tyrant and a murderer. All to satisfy your dream of one world under Doom." Bast: "And yet." Bast: "You believe that this is the only path to salvation for all mankind. You believe that with your whole heart. Everything you have ever done-your plots and twisted excesses-all serve this one goal." Bast: "I, too, have looked into the million pathways of the future. I, too, have seen the one path that leads to a world without evil, without hurt, without want (where mankind unites, thrives, survives). And though my own soul cries out in denial, I must act according to the truth." Bast: "Though your methods are abhorrent and vile, your intent is pure. You have passed the test. The vibranium is yours to with it as you will." Checkmate...Doom Devilslayer Zenpool 2099 Kilgore arms commercial/Mandroid Hit-Monkey Mark II Sentinel giant robot/X Collapsible suitcase sentinel/XI all terrain/XII nanobot sentinels/XIII tri Sentinel Egyptia Latverion Sublime/Arkea Sentinel X Shogo Aliana Alba Latveria is one of the most advanced nations on Earth, but most of the landscape looks quaint and medieval—because Doctor Doom likes the quaint medieval look. Wakanda, home of the Black Panther, goes even beyond Latveria in some versions. Someone might stumble on what looks like a harmless and primitive—at best Bronze Age—African village on the edge of the country and mistake it for an easy target only to discover the apparently decorative stone statues are shooting plasma bolts, armed flying drones are being launched from a wooden hut, and the spears those loincloth-wearing warriors are tossing? Rocket-boosted self-guided smart missiles with high explosive armour-piercing warheads. Techno organic jungle Minor villain/heroic ally Arkon and his city Polemachus would count. Arkon is loincloth-wearing, sword-wielding barbarian who rides giant lizards, but carries thunderbolt-shaped energy spears that can open dimensional portals and be hurled for powerful energy bursts. The city he rules, Polemachus, is something out of a Frank Frazetta/Roger Dean album cover with such weirdtech as mind-controlling machines, but they somehow never develop atomic power (Arkon had to kidnap and brainwash Earth scientists to get the secret of developing nukes. The Schizo Tech elements get furthered as Arkon often goes raiding Earth and other dimensions for the opportunity to steal what technology Polemachus doesn't have, and his people have a highly developed use of sorcery and magic besides their own native science Marvel Manga-verse, T’Challa is still King of Wakanda and when calling upon the help of the God Qamatha, he can transform into a Were-Panther. His appearance in the Were-Panther form is of a large humanoid panther in ancient Egyptian clothing. He can also call upon Qamathas's power to change himself into the Falcon. In this form, his appearance is heavily influenced by the ancient Egyptian god Horus. In this reality, his magical abilities are prominent as Dr. Strange notices his magical trail. T'Calla in his Thrice-blessed Armor, wielding the Ebony Blade. T'Challa possess specialized Thrice-blessed Armor and Light Armor for specific Thrice-blesses armor functions the same way as Iron Man's armor, and is also enhanced with Magic abilities. Zarda Thundra Egyptia Doc Croc/Afrikaa Zawavari-witch doctor of Wakanda Houngan Hydra-Nick Fury clones HAMMER-Captain America clones Militant National Force American Panther, 88 Alex Wilder Elisa Sinclair Swarm Monica Rappaccini Head Case Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Universal Bank Star Brand (cosmic cube in tattoo form, Justice, Nightmask, and Spitfire) Doctor Voodoo Manifold Gateway Big Town Council of Reeds Symbiote/Super-Adaptoids Angelus Warriors hordes completely under thrall symbioid/Spawn/Angelus Warriors/thoughtforms)- Avengers One Million BC-Panther(fauna/chimera/kaiju), Thor, Sorcerer Supreme, Ghost Rider, Iron Fist (Cap America), Phoenix (Cap Marvel), Starbrand, Hulk, Iron Man Krakoa/Superego/Phalanx Techno Organic Jungle virus Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Telefloronics Krork-Maestro/Leader/Professor/Doc Green/Doc Samson/Green Scar/Sakaarson/Nul “Breaker of Worlds” as well as Hobgoblin/Demogoblyn (Jack O Lantern) Asteroid M(s)-Krakoa- Savageland(s), Danger/Cerebra, Planet X Attilan(Zero-Techno-organic-Technoarchy, Phalanx, Barbuda, Builders Mulitple Man Most of the heroes consider Fury a good guy because the thought of him being a villain is too terrifying you will never be as bada$$ as this World War II vet from New York's Hell's Kitchen Fury started fighting the Nazis with his band of brothers the Howling Commandos first before moving onto more esoteric foes of humanity It was sometime between moving to work for the CIA and fighting a hate-ray powered clone of Adolf Hitler alongside a walking pile of rocks that Fury realized that when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. And thus has followed a several decade long Crowning Moment Of Awesome Why he is cooler than you will ever be: He has a Flying Car, he parks this Flying Car in his Flying Base filled with Life Model Decoys and psychic spies, he's fought radioactive robots in space, he's chased a warlord to another dimension to fight psychic duels with his literal Eyepatch of Power, he's hunted Godzilla he is a Badass Normal feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings, he is feared by Nigh Invulnerable beings because he has demonstrated the "nigh" portion by killing several, he never looks at explosions, he does, however ride motorcycles through explosions while shirtless and Dual Wielding Laser Pistols, he is literally ageless, he once willingly turned himself into an Eldritch Abomination to save reality, he's beaten up Adolf Hitler on more than one occasion Captain America Cyclops and Black Panther are Marvel's Batmen Bats even says Cap would be beat him though it would take a long time Master of the World, Leader/Maestro, Kang Doctor Doom White Wolf/Man-Ape/Killmonger (K'Liluna), Mandarin Baron Mordo Demonicus, Tomi Shishido-The Hand, Apocalypse- Weapon Infinity/Super Skrulls all cool X-Men villains, Azazel Selene Sebastian Shaw Sinister,clones of Madelyn Pryor (Goblyn Queen)(Karasu-Tengu and Sojobo-Tengu) Margali Szardos Amanda Sefton (Scarlet Witch Storm and Agatha Harkness are Earth's High Priestess together,Homo novissima Sublime/Arkea, Cassandra Nova Neo, Children of the Vault, Romulus Onslaught Pandemic Vargas High Evolutionary Kingpin- The Owl/Count Nefaria/Mr. Negative/The Hood HydraCap- Wolfgang von Strucker/Zemo/Viper, Hive/Kraken/Scorpio- Nick Fury's clones Master Man/Warrior Woman/Baron Blood Bricklemoore twins Maybe Dracula Vampire Kingdom on the Moon Drakulon Arkon Foreigner Sentry/Taskmaster super soldier serum The Celestials are why we have mutants and other things don't just kill humans but sometimes give them powers, they made the Eternals also Namor- He's a mutant as well why he has wings on his ankles Atlantis Pietro-Crystal-Attilan-Inhumans- take command of Kree Intergalactic Empire Charles Xavier-Lilandra- Command of Shi'ar Intergalactic Empire (Kid Omega/Zen Gunnery) Storm-Black Panther-Wakanda (Techno Organic Jungle Intergalactic Empire) Monster Island- Archipelagos off Japan and Bermuda Triangle connect through vast passageways all across the earth through the Earth hordes of giant monsters commanded by Mole Man |
Alice Scarlett Knabel chapter 26 . 7/24/2021 what a twist? I'm good with this however |
BlackRoseFire chapter 46 . 7/24/2021 Awesome story.I really enjoyed it, I can't wait to see what happens next. |
okami321 chapter 46 . 7/19/2021 love it |
mastercheif1229 chapter 46 . 7/17/2021 Absolutely incredible story so far! I can't wait for the next chapter! I really hope that it comes out soon! |
roon0 chapter 46 . 7/3/2021 I enjoy this stor so much and look forward to a update when you can. |