Reviews for Retribution |
Guest chapter 40 . 10/16/2020 A Good story and an original concept. I enjoy reading it and hope that you will finish it. I like the relationship and I'm curious to how you will let the both of them acknowledge their love to each other, how the Granger will be protected (I hope that it will not include a loss of memory but just a relocation) what bond is it and what it entails(or how it could develop), if Hermione is already pregnant or not ( they didn't protect themselves in their rush...) could they save Sirius (with the twins there they will be more people so maybe one of them could knock Sirius aside...) how Hermione will be treated ( maybe the bond and chamber of love that George have to transport Hermione through could heal her /enhance/solidify the bond? Create something more, - a mean to kill harry horcrux or all horcrux if both cast their golden patronus in tandem... - a brother's bond with harry because both are worrying for him ...) So I hope that you will finish it. I didn't manage to log so if you want to reply: laptitepupuce yahoo . fr (without spaces) Sandrine lupin |
Rosalynn Winchester chapter 40 . 9/27/2020 I’m sorry to see that this story seems to be abandoned. I loved reading it! Thank you for sharing it with us readers! |
Aime chapter 35 . 9/18/2020 Oh god i love this fanfiction, I can not believe that it was unfinished also in that part God, i needed more but you have not updated a long time ago, I think you have left it is so sad |
Guest chapter 40 . 9/15/2020 Oh my god, why? This breaking my heart. I love everything about this story. Please tell me you write more George somewhere. |
Desperate Reader chapter 40 . 9/1/2020 I’m so sad that this hasn’t been updated in two years. It’s an incredible story and I have a feeling I’ll be thinking about it for a long time. Fingers crossed you get an urge to pick it up again! |
jasnrob chapter 40 . 8/19/2020 Found your story and love it. |
Pandemic Reader chapter 40 . 8/3/2020 Hello! I forgot how wonderful this story was and I am so glad I got a chance to reread it. It’s been a long time since I actually sat down and read something; I’m glad it was this story. Hope you are staying safe during this outbreak. I will most likely come back to this story and leave reviews praising it. Until next time! |
Guest chapter 40 . 6/23/2020 Ummmm... I just discovered this story and love it but I desperately hope you haven’t abandoned it ... 2 years could mean you’re just stockpiling more right ? Oh bother |
Patronus chapter 40 . 6/2/2020 Ooh..nice story...please update. I know it’s been two years but if you are still active, please finish this story. It’s so good. |
maceyswimms chapter 40 . 5/19/2020 I really hope you update this story! I love it so much! xoxo |
Ggl4828 chapter 1 . 5/7/2020 Amazing 3 im waiting for the next chapter! |
rosie608 chapter 40 . 4/30/2020 Ugh this is so good. I ship Hermione and George so hard for years now and there's so little fic about them. But this is so so good. |
Bellbook chapter 40 . 4/13/2020 I love this story! Your characterization of Hermione and George is really good, and I really like your writing style. I hope you update soon, I can’t wait to find out what happens next! |
Snowball chapter 40 . 4/4/2020 This was amazing! I hope that it will be completed someday but if not then I appreciate all of the time you have taken in writing this. |
lotttieifif chapter 40 . 2/23/2020 Hi! On the off chance that you are still active on here I love this story! But please if you do update save Sirius my heart couldn’t cope otherwise |