Reviews for Retribution
moreremusplease chapter 20 . 6/9/2015
I was directed here from Shayalonnies profile, and so very glad for it. I've only ever glimpsed this pairing and must admit I feel I have been missing out. This is such an interesting story and seems so very original. I cant wait for more!
Politelycynical chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
Ahhhhhhh I love all the descriptions. They are lovely. :)
PieAnnamay07 chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
I'm the two-hundredth reviewer! Great chapter, as always! It seems the spell is getting stronger... And more people are noticing! Dun dun dun.
kiananishirami chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
Yeah, i heard about thia fic from shayalonnie... its pretty good. I wish i could keep reading it and not knowing what happens next is killing me... hahaha... pls, write more soon!
ShayaLonnie chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
I'm just sitting here banging my head on the desk because omg the tension at that dinner . . . and then you threw in wolfmate trope!? I LOVE wolfmate trope! You're an absolute doll!
bellatrixD chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
Apologies for not having reviewed the previous chapter! I felt terrible. But, likewise, dreaded exams.
This chapter was marvellous in showing the feelings and reactions between George and hermione, how strong and intense they are for them both. Your use of imagery is stunning and I cannot get enough. Beautiful writing!

Good ol' Sirius indeed! What a nice fella, giving George and hermione their privacy (ahem). The beginning with Remis added more to the story which I found lovely.

Great update!
Don't Forget Elvendork chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
I woke up this morning and thought, "wouldn't it be great if Courbeau updated Retribution?" And then I checked my notifications and you had! The story's just getting better and better.

Is Sirius researching to prove that Remus won't pass on his lycanthropy to any children he and Tonks might have?
kotokodainetohru chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
She knows! Now the question is: does she know about the spell? Or does she know about them being 'together'? Because both are endlessly amusing! I have a theory: I think the spell will be 'broken', if that's an appropriate term, when they actually have sex, or perhaps get married. Such a great fic! Keep up the good work!
pettybureaucrat chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
Well, I wonder what Ginny is going to demand for her silence? Alone time with Harry? No hovering brothers? A detailed description of what Hermione and George do? Great chapter.
Nichole O chapter 20 . 6/8/2015
Ohhh Ginny knowing is a game changer! I had asked Shaya for some god reads and she recommended you in one of her ANs before a chapter. So happy you updated!
woofwolf chapter 20 . 6/7/2015
YOOO. Man, this was a fun chapter.
countesscee chapter 20 . 6/7/2015
Gihihihihi, lovely, lovely.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 20 . 6/7/2015
reaaaaally good! could they be solutes? and george just activated it with that spell? go on!
skyoria chapter 11 . 6/4/2015
Oh gosh. It didn't go well for him at all like I said. Haven't found out if he was enjoying himself or not though... I really hope they were just at the making out stage cause it'd be even worse if they were farther... AWKWARD.

Mmmm yes Georgie. :)

Anyway, I've got to finish HW now. This it the last for today. Possibly.
skyoria chapter 10 . 6/4/2015
... Did that just... it did. HAHAHAHAhahahah wow okay. This story's a lot more M rated isn't it? It feels like you're including more M stuff than in The Injunction... I'm fine with that, but just be careful about the line, cause you don't want his to become a reader's porno. At least I don't think you do... :) It was a good chapter and if you couldn't tell I wasn't expecting the ending.
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