Reviews for Retribution
skyoria chapter 9 . 6/4/2015
AWWWww poor Georgie! She's teasing him and she doesn't even know it. I bet if he did try to relive tension with someone else it wouldn't work... And I feel like their lust just keeps climbing farther into overdrive.

When he was reliving them kissing, was that him saying that hermione's a cow?
skyoria chapter 8 . 6/4/2015
WOW! At first I thought Ron had seen them kiss, but then I thought naww cause Ron would've run right over there & punched George. Awesome chapter! I didn't see anything that bugged me (spelling, sentence structure, etc). Looking forward to reading what was in the newest edition.
skyoria chapter 7 . 6/4/2015
About the very very beginning, at first you said it was bright & clear but then you said Hermione could feel the weight of the water in her long hair...

Oh gosh! George is going to spill everything and then she's going to help and then they figure out what's going on. I doubt they'll be able to reverse it right away cause that wouldn't be any fun, but they'll figure out what he did wrong. Dang! My theory was completely wrong. Oh well. I didn't actually like it much anyway.

At first, I didn't even realize they were kissing. I had to go back and reread wondering how their lips got to each other.
skyoria chapter 6 . 6/4/2015
Awww I knew it was going to be Hermione, but I was kinda hoping for the scene... Oh well. This worked too, he just really didn't have bigger problems like they said. At least not to me. I really hope all of this isn't just the spell... Although, that could be a plot point. They get it removed or it wears off eventually and they're oh so awkward later, cause FEEELINGSSSS!

Did you just randomly come up with those Quidditch terms?
skyoria chapter 5 . 6/4/2015
Not a whole lot to say for this one. I'm too excited to see who's behind him. Good chapter. I wonder what went wrong with the spell. My previous theory is still possible, but I don't know...

You'd think the spell would also affect her anger as well, not just this.
skyoria chapter 4 . 6/4/2015
HAHAHAHAHAH it unlocked their hidden attraction for each other and made them tingly for each other. Did it possibly have anything to do with where the spell landed perhaps? Maybe it was supposed to hit her on the head... Staring at the space between them? Hmm... Exciting things are happening at your Hogwarts.

All right I'll stop giving you email notifications. I need to go to bed now anyway.
skyoria chapter 3 . 6/3/2015
The only little thing I noticed was that When Hermione was talking to Ron & Harry near the beginning about grades, she said "Obviously I'd be thrilled if I got anD O..." That was the only spelling/grammar issue i saw. Good chapter. Looking forward to seeing more effects of the spell. They're shocking each other... Ha! And unable to focus at times... thinking about our Georgey?

I hope she uses her present at some point.
skyoria chapter 2 . 6/3/2015
I'm glad Lee at least questioned if they should really be doing the spell. I always kinda figured if George was really into something, then Lee would be reason instead. Not that they side on caution really ever. I like that you didn't have George react in any indicative way when Lee teased them about liking Hermione. I feel like it's more real that way: that he didn't have a crush on her to start with.

... It almost seems like you made her forget about them this chapter... The description said nothing of memory loss!
skyoria chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
I'm from the Injunction! HAhahah! Looking forward to the spell. I've got theories! This is a great first chapter. It definitely grabbed my interest and left most things a mystery as to how things are going to change. However, it is a GeorgexHermione fic so I know that's it's going in that direction. I'm actually a little surprised they didn't try something like that in the books...

Where did you get the spell?
Gidgit2u chapter 18 . 6/3/2015
This chapter was hot! Loving the tension between them as whatever this spell does brings them closer together. It'd be nice to see them connect as individuals too though, not just physically, would be nice to see her realize how smart he (and by extension Fred) are, and for him to see past her bookworm and uptight persona as see where she'll break rules and her cunning side. I know they've been working on rebuilding their trust, but actually liking and seeing in full who they are as individuals I think would make them deeper characters. That was a great twist having Sirius catch them, can't wait to read the next chapter :) awesome story so far!
Calimocho chapter 19 . 6/2/2015
Awesome ff!
Seriously, I read all the 19 chapters last night!
I didn't have time to write a review, but here it is.
I really like how you developed the characters, the relationship between Hermione and George is great and I like were the story is going.
Loved loved loved the scene where Sirius caught them in the pantry and then later Sirius giving him the fatherly... If you hurt my gpdaughter... Speech.
Can't wait for the next chapter!
- Liz
universalbeat chapter 19 . 6/2/2015
Well this is exciting and awesome, I don't know if you're planning on making any changes to the cannon of the books, (though I kind of hope you are, who wants to see Sirius and Fred die?) but i'm excited to see where this relationship will fit into the plot we know from the books.
nostalgiakills chapter 19 . 6/2/2015
Holy mother of Merlin. I just powered through everything you've written of this in two and a half hours. I just...that was really good. Your dialogue is spot on.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/27/2015
That chapter was written so well! Even your lemons are beautiful! Can't wait for more
woofwolf chapter 19 . 5/26/2015
hahaha helL YEAH
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