Reviews for Retribution
HenriaSownbinder chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
And I am glad you cannot resist a fighting George Weasley. Because that just makes him even hotter. :D Interesting development. These two are testing my patience and theirs by playing the avoiding game. I hope they realize soon what we readers realized at the first signs of the spell. That they need to have sex to live a bearable existence! Silly teenagers...
ShayaLonnie chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
*passes out* omg I love a fighting George too!
Politelycynical chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
That scene was so positively, absolutely, unarguably PERFECT. It was so completely everything that I wanted it to be. George is going to lose his EFFING MIND over this hahahahaa. And thank goodness Hermione finally got the release that she needed. Awkward smile indeed.
Tina Powers chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
I'm glad Hermione got a little bit of revenge on George. I'm even more glad that she didn't freak out over the fight. I almost expected her to. Thank Odin they finally touched, i didn't think they could hold out much longer.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
Really good go on!
DeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteNow chapter 14 . 4/10/2015
i just read the whole thing in one go and i enjoyed it loads. thanks for uploading it and please continue soon!
ShayaLonnie chapter 13 . 4/9/2015
LOL "Are you addled?"

I absolutely adore Fred in this fic. I love when the twins show they can be mischievous and yet responsible as well. Fred is really stepping up to take care of Hermione and George. Love fics where that happens! One of my favourite things.

LOL at Fred. "Nice bum." *dies*

OMG "A-de-quate." These two are killing me.

Oh I just love the posessive inner thoughts of George as Hermione approaches Eddie. Wow!

Boooo Eddie!
Tina Powers chapter 13 . 4/9/2015
Ooooohhhh crap on a cracker, shit's gonna go down.
Really though Good for you Hermione! You get some!
Politelycynical chapter 13 . 4/9/2015
Aww I love the new chapter! George is slipping into insanity hahahaa. And fred is solving everyone's problems by tripping Hermione constantly. That's a nice touch lol. The anticipation-omg the anticipation.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 13 . 4/9/2015
Very lovely chapter! Please go on
PrimaImperatrix chapter 12 . 4/8/2015
Wow...Well done. This entire story has been so in-fucking-tense. Like, this might be TMI, but I'm a little flush right now. I'm normally pretty steadfast Fremione, so it's very telling of your writing if you can get me to be keen on Georgie. I'm very glad that I took PolitelyCynical's recommendation to read this lovely bit of wordsmithing.
Tina Powers chapter 12 . 4/7/2015
Ughhhhh George you ass! Just read through this, very interesting!
I cringed when I read Umbridge. I hate that character and typically don't read school ficd that involve her but you've made me forget she's even in here! For now at least.
amber31592 chapter 10 . 4/7/2015
Please update dying to see what's next
ShayaLonnie chapter 12 . 4/7/2015
This was my favorite chapter. Fred is a gem! Omg and the but with Lee cracked me up!
ShayaLonnie chapter 11 . 4/7/2015
Nooooo! Damnit George!
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