Reviews for Witches of Westfield
rezwan.ahmed01 chapter 1 . 9/24
I don't even like the harem genre but you wrote this story so beautiful and each of the character are so compelling that I couldn't help having multiple readthroughs of this masterpiece!
odonnellzoo99 chapter 36 . 9/15
Hermione may be the foundation of Harry's life, but I believe that Luna is the heart and soul of the family.
I know you indicated that you aren't confident writing Luna and I am a Harmony fan, but in this story, I enjoyed Harry and Luna's relationship the most and she is easily my favorite in this fic. Losing the baby in the attack saddens me every time I read this and the ending always makes me smile. Triplets, though? As a father of twins, I remember how uncomfortable my wife was and Luna is so petite, she'll need help moving everywhere after 6 months.
Also, this is the first HP fan fic that I started reading.
BarbedCaress chapter 4 . 9/15
Gerald reduces the re-read value of this story.
Right bastard he is.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 26 . 9/14
“A series of misfortunate events” would also be a great subtitle.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 24 . 9/14
"Is there any wonder why I drink so much?" would make a great subtitle for this fic.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 1 . 9/12
Harry breaking off the engagement with Ginny in this story is different from the trope considering what happens for the rest of the fic.
Tsorov chapter 36 . 9/9
A wonderful story, very moving. Thank you for the time and work you invested!
Nyumun chapter 36 . 9/3
Una historia diferente de los típicos harem que se ven por aquí, me gustaron los giros que le diste
dragonheart117 chapter 8 . 8/3
yeet daf, luna is winning.
dragonheart117 chapter 6 . 8/3
BarbedCaress chapter 35 . 6/2
Lucius Malfoy's plot resolution is masterfully done!
BarbedCaress chapter 14 . 6/2
Tired of the Hermione jumping straight to outrage.
She is a war vet at this point.
Wanderer chapter 36 . 4/6
Well, Shite.
I have to admit to being very conflicted.
The idea that there was a solution and Hermione - who knows that Azkaban will literally kill Harry - doesn't even try?
I stopped reading for a day or so to avoid an emotional response.
Was the AngstyDramatic! VERY-Last-Minute-Save quite... Dramatic!? Sure. Was it in any way necessary, given that the main participants had a full day to save Harry from Literal Slow Torturous Death? Well, that's where it kinda fails to show real cohesiveness. The characters - Hermione, then Andi - aren't five years old. They know what the stakes are (Hermione first hand exp with Harry's reaction to dementors and Andi because Harry bluntly told her). So, yeah, not really impressed with the theatrics. They Tacitly Endorse Harry's Death Through Their Inaction. How are we supposed to see them as less than complicit in his murder?

Greengrass' antics, Harry being a badarse, even Lucius being a True Slytherin (with optional "Has A Heart" upgrade!) are all kinda... muted? Yeah, kinda overshadowed and muted by the simple lack of necessity for any of it. It's just theatrics on top of theatrics.

Only the murder of Luna's baby broke me out of my "meh" attitude, and then Harry let the Shitebag get away with the murder of his child, literally.
So, all in all, the story was amazing until you got the idea to turn Harry's fate into a circus act. I wish I'd stopped reading at chapter 33.
majere4 chapter 34 . 4/6
How... unfortunate.
Great story thus far, with lots of good drama and various fun character-building arcs.
The romantic pairings were gradual and the whole idea of Anna was quite well done.
And then... and then Hermione who pretends to love Harry says, hey, I'm not even going to approach my parents with the idea of marrying Harry because that Might offend them.
The people she swore she would talk to she doesn't even give a few minutes of discussion with the possible opportunity to consider saving Harry's life.
Instead, she'll let Harry, who Hermione perhaps more than any other person knows how devastating the demons affect him, be consigned to hell for 10 years for no better reason than she is a coward.
The rest of them will let Anna dissolve into a broken mess when her daddy is in hell. Teddy will grow up abandoned.
The wolves will gradually tear down everything Harry built because he's a criminal and nobody in the wizzy world will care to defend his work.

The chapter did a fantastic job of building drama and the 'gotcha' of gerald was I'm sure very satisfying to those who don't care anything about the fact that Harry will be a gibbering shell inside of a few months, but the fact comes down to this:
Your characters knowingly will allow Harry to be mentally and spiritually murdered and they aren't willing to DO anything about it. Talk, yeah, they talked for weeks. Do? No, that would be asking too much. Bye Harry.
Bravo... I quit.
Guest chapter 36 . 4/5
And in the last fucking chapter after finally having what I'm sure you know your readers hoped for with them finally get together. You throw in one last tragedy with no warning having his first child, unborn murdered for dramas sake.

Thanks for ruining every bit of enjoyment I had from what was a good story. I wish I didn't read this. This is deserving of a fucking warning. Trigger warning for attempted rape where nothing but some molesting happened but not for something as fucked as this which could and should traumatize more than what happened to Tracey.

Needlessly fucking scummy to have that happened. The main target just HAD to be the one pregnant with what should of been his first child. Canon has him losing his parents never having the chance to have more than him. While you have the opposite with him lose his his first born right after a great happy ending setup for shitty tragic shock value fucking the story rather than making it better.

Really wish I never found this story.

Not interested in the last little bit. A pointless attempt at showing everything is great and fine after that needless fuck you to shit on the readers enjoyment. Skipping over and playing out as if that didn't royally fuck the two, Luna especially over up till then I'm sure.

Lost her mother, her father, and her and his first child. That is something that many never get over and has driven to suicide with just the baby and not all the extra loss and miserable crap she's been through her whole life.

Hell of a sudden drop at the very end after fully investing jnto the story all the way through.
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