Reviews for A Willing Heart
Guest chapter 15 . 9/1/2024
I haven't read any hobbit fanfiction in about 2 years. When I finally decided to pick back up again, I happened to stumble upon this masterpiece. I love how you entrenched a character with a need to save but avoiding a fix-it-all plot line with a Mary Sue. Amelia is a captivating character that feels real. Thank you for writing this! I have truelly enjoyed every bit of this story, and I'm only half way through!
crimsonkate90 chapter 30 . 9/8/2023
Awwww I’m so sad this story is over but it ended happily. I wish we had seen their wedding though and what happened during the war on of the ring. They all really did live happily ever after though
crimsonkate90 chapter 29 . 9/8/2023
That was so good but i wanted more of the M scene lol
crimsonkate90 chapter 28 . 9/8/2023
Aww Dis is great! Thorin is so fatherly in this
crimsonkate90 chapter 27 . 9/8/2023
Honestly, I loved this chapter and the nee council. It’s so fitting.
crimsonkate90 chapter 26 . 9/8/2023
Why did Tauriel run? Also how shd callex Thorin out was top notch
crimsonkate90 chapter 25 . 9/8/2023
Well that was one hell of a reunion. I kind of wish he had realized she was really there before they did the deed
crimsonkate90 chapter 24 . 9/7/2023
Well there are worse things then waiting 5 months to go back
crimsonkate90 chapter 23 . 9/7/2023
I hope she comes back alive. There’s so many chapters left
crimsonkate90 chapter 22 . 9/7/2023
Oh I so wish Fili and Amelia would have had a talk
crimsonkate90 chapter 20 . 9/7/2023
Damn you Fili! You promised her and you let her down. I’m so sad for her!
crimsonkate90 chapter 18 . 9/7/2023
She had to fall into the water didn’t she?
crimsonkate90 chapter 16 . 9/7/2023
Aww this chapter was so sweet.
crimsonkate90 chapter 14 . 9/7/2023
Good lord fhat last scene…excuse me I’m gonna need a fan. That was hot!
crimsonkate90 chapter 13 . 9/7/2023
Awww yay he came around!
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