Reviews for The Long Road to Damascus
Fat Cat chapter 8 . 9/9/2012
Aww. Well I'm still reading your fic even if it has been eight years since you've updated. As I said before, lovely.
Fat Cat chapter 4 . 9/9/2012
You have captured the terribleness of Dumbledore so perfectly as captured by this quote, "Dumbledore smiled, a fleeting bittersweet smile that touched his eyes only for the barest instant" and so many others. His immense power and capacity for emotion that coexist and are restrained by his grandfatherly kindness. Oh, it is so wonderful having the two interplay. Your Snape is wonderful of course but many people do a good Snape and not so many have such spot on Dumbledore. I adore your wonderful story. Although I doubt you will ever see this review, I feel it is necessary to state to the apathetic internet that you must continue writing, if you have ever stopped. I wish you the best in your life.
cwest chapter 10 . 1/31/2008
It has obviously been a long time since you worked on this piece but if you ever start back I would definitely read it. I have read this at least twice and each time I have wished it was completed. Great work.
dorotherin chapter 10 . 2/2/2006
I enjoyed this one immensly. I think it's becoming

second to "A Father's Sin". So ? Where's the next chapter ;-). Presto, presto.

Tooi ake chapter 10 . 1/14/2006
Really enjoyed what I've read so far. I like the way you portray Snape. I hope you will finish this one day. It is really good!
Animako chapter 10 . 12/19/2005
Are you ever going to continue this?

It's very good, you write Snape excellently. I have to say I quite like Narcissa's timid little sister, despite the fact new canon tells us more about the Malfoy family (and Snape's loyalties...)

Anyway, if you have not abandoned this, I'd like to read more.
hotcocoalatte chapter 10 . 8/4/2005
Wow! I really enjoy this story! But when are you going to update? It's been what, almost 3 years? Please update soon! -
gus chapter 10 . 3/8/2005
I first read this story several month ago and when I got to the last chapter and saw you had not updated in a while I was pretty dissapointed to see it would not go on.

And then I stumbled upon your page again and see that your back writting, even if it is not on the HP fandom or this story in particular. So, is there any chance youll take this up again? Id love to read some more (and judging by the reviews I wouldnt be the only one) since I've taken a certain fondness for Echo
Silverfox1 chapter 10 . 1/7/2005
Hi! Just writing to tell you I loved this and wish you would continue. Any chance of that? (I see you've been busy with other things.)
Potions and Snitches New Fics chapter 1 . 11/15/2004
Hello wonderful author! :)

This is just to let you know that your story is listed in my website "Potions and Snitches", a fanfiction site dedicated to the mentor relationships between Harry Potter and Severus Snape. I know your story is about Snape only but I added it anyway cause I wanted to have it in the archive. lol.

Please let me know if you want me to take it down, update your info, talk about chocolate frogs, or have any questions. A link to the website is in my profile.

Thank you for your story! :) It doesn't have a frog rating yet but it's on the list.

Oya chapter 4 . 10/23/2004
I sometimes feel that Dumbledore is manipulative, and not all sweet and kind. Sigh. But anyway, I love your characterisation, for both Severus and Dumbledore.
Lanenkar chapter 8 . 7/19/2004
Good job, hun. Haven't ever had the courage to write my own HP fanfiction, but this one's a real gem. Amazingly realistic, Lovely and Dark. Ah, such a pain in the soul of mankind-to be capable of such evil, and then, renounce it to be tempted (tortured, really) again. Keep up the good work, I'm greatly enjoying this one.
Persephone Lupin chapter 10 . 3/19/2004
This is definitely one of my favorite fanfics! Please, please, don't abandon it! I'm yearning for a new chapter!
Celadrian chapter 10 . 12/7/2003
I just found your story and I'm loving it. This is really good writing! I think it's great that you're putting so much effort into making your details accurate-locations, names that relate to a character's...character, etc. Keep up the great work!
yumi-no-baka chapter 10 . 12/5/2003
this is an awesome fic
new interpretation of how sevy joined nad left the Death Munchies?
die moldy warts die...
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