Reviews for N7 SOLDIER
MadamFortressMummy chapter 62 . 4/9/2018
Holy fucking shit. That was amazing. The tension you built was incredible. Midgar is fucked.

I have to say this is one of my favorite fanfictions of all time. Just bloody well done.
Dquinnicus chapter 62 . 4/9/2018
Hojo always was a retarded prick. Also, proof of TOO MUCH SCIENCE?!
DandelionFunky chapter 62 . 4/9/2018
Hollander, You swine! I should've expected as much, but somehow I didn't think he would stoop that low. Shows what I know, huh? I hope Genesis isn't a reaper abomination by now.

Good job, Kunsel! Smart thinking. I'm glad that he succeeded in sending out word so Scout could help, although I worry how well he can survive a reaper culling within a jail cell.

Speaking of Scout, I always find the stuff with them fascinating. The way he works the interface and micromanages things behind the scenes behind the scenes, I just hope his code wasn't converted to reaper data.

Oh! The Shepard and Sephiroth section was wonderful! I couldn't ask for a better way for Sephiroth to learn about Shepard's experiences. Like, it's one thing to hear about it, but see it? Awesome!
Plus, Sephiroth's caring PDA was super romantic. "She stared down the mass of Gaia's sentience. He loved her for it." Made me squee.

Good job, ScreamingViking! I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Firesa chapter 62 . 4/9/2018
oh shit reapers. Thanks for the the chapter!
pyrojack25 chapter 61 . 3/14/2018
Do you have any idea how long it took me to get this far?

Almost 41 nights, hopefully whatever happens next doesn't give me a reason to stop. But the is if the Final Fantasy 7 storyline going to happen after this whole Trouble in Terrorist Town horse s?
exillion chapter 33 . 3/4/2018
Holy nerfing batman! Seph with same strength to Grunt? Really?
Parks98 chapter 61 . 2/19/2018
Huh so Jenovah was a thorian.
Reader chapter 61 . 2/15/2018
Well, holy fucking tits on a bucket you actually updated. Nice way to tie in the little details from chapters past into this. I'm curious as to how badly Hollanders impudent nature just fucked everyone else over too.
Clement Rage chapter 11 . 2/11/2018
Your Shepard is amazing, she's very in character and has the exact attitude you'd expect of someone who has seen everything. I feel like everything's been very easy for her so far, though. She's able to oneshot every monster so far, beat Shinra's best fighters (usually making them look bad in the process), casually hold off Turk enquiries and keep secrets, and start training up infantry, and spends a lot of time complaining about how other people are doing things wrong and showing disdain for supposed challenges she faces.

If nothing has any difficulty, it's hard to stay invested in what's going on. I know there's a lot of story still to go, but that's among the strongest impressions I have so far.
Guest chapter 61 . 2/7/2018
Noooooooooooooo should have seen this coming oh my gosh. Thank you for not abandoning us. It’s killing me. Sephiroth telling her to run killed me.
xaeroxiii chapter 61 . 2/9/2018
Please update soon! Best regards.
pyrojack25 chapter 8 . 2/8/2018
This is gonna be fun. I'm already thinking Full Metal Jacket or Major Payne, when I'm reading this chapter and, probably, the next.
hifivebuddy chapter 61 . 2/7/2018
WOW OMG THIS STORY IS AMAZING before I never played or even looked st anything mass effect related but reading this you have peaked my interest I’m gonna start playing it and this is just wow I have no word for how amazing this is really I stumbled upon this story last night and I just had to keep on reading it like it’s so realistic and spot on with the ffvii characterizations with canon I’m just amazed and nervous cause we all know where in the crisis core arc where al types of shit hit the fan
XBnemesisX chapter 61 . 2/7/2018
*crying tears of joy from update*

I hated the thorian fight. I kept getting swarmed by the possessed things and my companions weren't helping. Managed to keep most of the colonists alive though.
Captain Wallace chapter 61 . 2/7/2018
Nice twist.
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