Reviews for N7 SOLDIER
reality deviant chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
Great job! This was a great Journey of a story-as all stories are journeys, and I am grateful you written this.

Great job, and if you do a sequel, Im here.
RogueAngel82 chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
omg I can't believe it's finished. I actually thought about this story yesterday, and was going to reread it. I'm so happy and so sad lol. Loved every second of it. Would have loved to see the reaction Sephiroth would have gotten from well...everyone. But I think it ends on a prefect, hopeful, anything can happen note.
Thanks so much for sharing.
MadamFortressMummy chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
I have never read a crossover fic as amazing as this. Hell, I can count on one hand how many fanfiction I've read that's of this quality. I found your fic by some weird chance that I can't remember, but I'm so glad I did. I never knew I wanted a Mass Effect and FFVII crossover but you pulled it off by some sorcery. I'm happy we got to see the ending of this fic, but at the same time, I never wanted this story to end. This fic gave me a lot of joy and wonder.

Thank you so much. I wish you all the best in your life.
Thanatoss chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
One of the only Final Fantasy fictions I have ever read, thank you for this wonderful story, for all the time and effort you have taken in not only writing, but also concluding this wonderful saga.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and once again thank you for this great story.
Shahzeb chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
excellent story with a good ending. hopefully someday u ll write some extra stories of what happened after the epilogue. anyways thanks a lot for the great read
Blue Fire Lily chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
I've been reading this story for years and I am so glad you've finished, yet so sad that I'll never see an N7 SOLDIER email hit my inbox again.
This story of yours was truly a beautiful, exciting and heartfelt tale that I've enjoyed for many years, and I will definitely be back for a re-read!
You've developed much as a writer, and more as a storyteller - I love your work, can't wait to read your next grand adventure!
DaughterofDante chapter 64 . 6/17/2019
*ugly sobs* so good!
zharshoul chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
This story is so close to an actual ending, just one or two chapter. I hope you come back to finish it.
Sona14 chapter 63 . 5/28/2019
oh my god! Can you even guess, what you have done to my feelings?! This is one of the best Crossovers I ever read, because it melts the history, rules, physics and even Canons seamlessly together and interweaves it all to a well thought out and plotted story with amazing characters that grow and make mistakes. They are allowed to make mistakes and misjudge someone and they act on what they think is true and follow their believes with actions. Yes, I know, this review is a jumbled mess but I'm currently on an emotional adrenaline rush because of the last few chapters! There are so many amazing plot twist I never would have guessed or even thought to consider and I absolutely love it, that one can understand this story without having played a single game of Mass Effect and only ff knowledge of Final Fantasy 7! The characters were so alive, that I didn't need an already prewritten knowledge for them to have a background and history to give them and their actions reasons. You have done magnificent work and and I enjoyed the read incredibly, thank you! I am anticipating the epilogue and can't wait to read it.
Question: Took anyone Scout out of the tower? Did Cissey (I don't know how to write her name, the turk lady that is also called Shuriken) make it out with the other survivers? Why did you kill Reeve?! He would have been perfect to help (from what I've seen) rebuilt a functioning society. What will Wutai do now with Shinra out of the picture? You see, I'm pretty exited Sweet that you let Kunsle live!
yeah, you see, I'm not good with names... You should be able to guess them, I think.
I hope to hear from this story soon again,
love Sona
Nothingburger chapter 63 . 4/28/2019
Epilogue come on
Guest chapter 55 . 4/21/2019
This is a beautifully, artfully constructed story I wish was available for purchase. I stongly urge you write a book if at all possible, it's undeniable your talent and skill with words in matched by none as of course everyone has their own unique style. It's Art. Fantastic work!
Xavier Rall chapter 63 . 4/18/2019
Verily enjoyed this story. Did an amazing job of fusing the two starkly different lores together into a logical and coherent whole.

Now, all this story needs is an epilogue to tie up all loose ends and it will be complete.
sashoMT chapter 63 . 3/2/2019
Awesome story, gotta say it was way better than any other official game related book I have ever read, good job!

Kind of sad that it has ended though, not sure what I am gonna do on a train to work every day now :-). Any news about the epilogue? It has been over half a year now, I hope you are still working on it
spiritedfaraway chapter 48 . 1/18/2019
I love everyone’s friendship! And I love that Sephiroth and Shepard are getting closer! I love Scout and everything about them! I just love this story so much!
spiritedfaraway chapter 2 . 1/14/2019
Loving this so much!
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