Reviews for you're a hard soul to save with an ocean in the way
IDoWhateverItTakes chapter 4 . 10/30/2020
As I read through this for what must be the fifth time in two years, I am just struck by what an incredible writer you are. Every little thing you write is so good. Even the simplest sentences you turn into Shakespeare. Bryan and Lenore's relationship is so underrated, and I can't believe someone took such care and dedication to write such a beautiful story about them. I can't thank you enough for this story. And thank you for introducing me to a lovely Florence and the Machine song! When I listen to it, I think of you and your amazing story!
maipandesal chapter 5 . 5/22/2020
god, this is one of the most well written story i've come across, i've always loved reading story that delve into the mind and personality of characters. this lenore feels so real and i've grown attached to her after ready all your taken fanfic, this is just amazing! thank you so much for writing this, it brought tears to my eyes, god this is good
TheCosmicBanana chapter 2 . 5/17/2020
"It's only her world that is rocked, again split into a before and after. Just like after Paris, just like after Istanbul - every year, it feels like her life is cut into thinner and thinner pieces, and she wonders if it might one day just slip away like ribbons." How in the HECK did you think of writing that? Not only is it so artfully and poetically put (in the NARRATIVE PROSE, no less), it also illustrates the character's feelings in such a creative way I think I'm hyperventilating
Okay anyways, I apologize for the strange reviews. I am just literally so in awe of folks who can actually write stuff like this. XD
TheCosmicBanana chapter 5 . 5/17/2020
I know it's been five years since you posted this story, but I only just discovered it (having just watched the Taken trilogy for the first time) and oh m'LORD I have to tell you that I am IN LOVE! The way you write the characters is so spot-on – Sam was my favorite character in the movies, and the way you write him here is insanely accurate. Same goes for Bryan, and obviously Lenore. I love how you manage to get inside each character's heads so easily. This type of writing is literally what I aspire to! Thank you for such a beautiful work and an awesome read!
Daniel6 chapter 5 . 7/25/2019
You're right. This is how the movie should have gone. And I found the grandparents line hilarious.
Anne chapter 5 . 2/1/2019
.amazing. I was so heartbroken that Lenire was killed off in the movie, because I love her and Bryan. This is fantastic! I love that you kept the abduction storyline (honestly, did she have to die?) and kept Bryan as a crazy protective agent still. You captured his character so well. I was so sad to come to the end of the story. I just want Lenore and Bryan to be together! Great job- would love to read more!
brasandsocks chapter 1 . 3/11/2018
I love it! That's what should've happened in Taken 3
Guest chapter 5 . 4/25/2016
I wish so much that this would have been how they wrote Taken 3. This was so much better! ALL of your stories are amazing! I found myself wishing you would write a story that takes us through Taken 2 but providing more insight to how each character was feeling and what were they thinking. Like what was Lenny thinking when Brian left her behind to find their daughter or what was Brian thinking when he had to do that. I love that the 2nd movie seemed like it was bringing them back together so I'd love more insight to that. Hopefully that even makes sense! I'm sure that would be very time consuming, but if you're ever bored I'd love for you to take it on! In fact you're the ONLY writer I'd love to see take it on!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/28/2015
*cue thunderous applause* WELL DONE! I loved, loved, loved this! Thank you for including this epilogue to help wrap things up. It's so interesting to watch over the course of this story how Lenore finally has some modicum of peace with everything. She's scarred from it, but not destroyed - she's rebuilding her life. And what's more, she's willing to finally embrace the possibility of Bryan sharing her life. That final scene between them was remarkable. Such a difficult admission for them both - but with so much subtle nuance.

I loved this entire story. Please don't let it be the last one you write on this fandom.
XxStarg8rocksxX chapter 5 . 9/28/2015
This was a fantastic story! I loved it! You really did a great job with all the characters. Everything was believable! Thank you so much for writing this! :)
Rebecca Barclay chapter 5 . 9/25/2015
Lenny is truly in love with her Bryan Mills!
Rebecca Barclay chapter 4 . 8/28/2015
The only thing that matters to me! Is that Bryan and Lenny Mills are finally back together again.
ismile83 chapter 4 . 8/27/2015 are just insanely good! What an incredible chapter! Wow...that story was way better than the movie, and way better than most books that I've actually paid money for!
Bartlett chapter 3 . 8/13/2015
This is amazing! They should have had you write the storyline for Tak3n! It would have been way better!
ismile83 chapter 3 . 8/10/2015
Too lazy to login right now I guess (haha) but I just had to comment because this is just so good! I thought for sure I had subscribed to it but I didn't remember getting a notification that you had updated. So I just randomly remembered and decided to check just in case and was SO EXCITED to see the newest chapter! It was AWESOME!
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