Reviews for Little Dreamer
Flora Mile chapter 30 . 9/24/2024
Love this story thank you. Amazing!
Daire123 chapter 30 . 9/21/2022
This is absolutely one of my favorite stories! I couldn’t imagine this happening to anyone but glad they all had a happily ever after ending (enough for them). Thank you so much for sharing!
Cosmictaurus chapter 1 . 6/28/2022
I read this earlier this year or last year but the story has been on my mind this week with all that's happened in the U.S. Thank you for writing this story. I hope it changed some minds or at the very least allowed people to empathize with women who have made the choice to have an abortion.

Bella's particular situation boiled my blood because her own husband expected her to die for someone she's never met and to leave her daughter without a mother. Women are full human beings. We are not incubators.
4 Cullen chapter 1 . 1/25/2022
So no one was around...Like come on that can be possible. I live in a small town with barely 1500 people and there's going to be someone around...especially at noon on a street with many stores around EVEN ON A SUNDAY.

Like what EVERYONE was at home, or church. NO way they'd close down business like that. How was no one around to help her.
JD Thorn chapter 18 . 12/30/2021
MissWM chapter 30 . 10/28/2021
oh my. i loved this ending. what an amazing story. i truly loved it. it was bittersweet, but i'm glad they got to be happy and friends at the end. i can't even imagine how hard it must be to grow in the system. i truly admire emmet and jasper for trying again and for not the separating demetri and heidi (and the whole puppy analogy was comical). thanks for sharing this.
MissWM chapter 28 . 10/28/2021
i have to say it. it takes gut to try adoption again, specially from the foster system. i'm actually surprised the did not go to the surrogate option. i thought that'd be it.
wronglydreamer chapter 30 . 9/7/2021
Hiya! Just to say I have loved this story from the first chapter! I couldn't stop reading because it was so beautiful and so heart-breaking and so angt-y and asjbladsvjf
It was really really amazing how you made all the characters evolve and how the plot developed, how you transmitted all those emotions, confusion, sadness, excitment, loss, regret. love...from each of the them. The final outtake is lovely, made my want to cry because of how beautiful end this story has.
Thank you for sharing and taking the time to imagine such a story and writing it.
Hope you are fine after all this time... I'm gonna go look for the outtake of Charlie and Bella's stoy in case you wrote it 3
Patriciadiane chapter 7 . 7/30/2021
I can't read fast enough
AlexandraaCullen chapter 1 . 6/7/2021
Thank you for sharing this beautiful but heartbreaking story. I really felt for both parties in this story. It’s a little sad they never decided on a joint custody solution. Poor Jasper and Emmett! I really loved how you changed the characters And their relationships up so much though! I really enjoyed this
Kksmum chapter 30 . 5/6/2021
Fabulous story. So many emotions to handle. Thanks again.
Kksmum chapter 19 . 5/5/2021
“ How are you ,dear ones” you ask.
I am overcome with the emotions in this story. Your imagination and story telling amazes me. I do not understand how you do it but am so glad you do.
Turns out I had overlooked this story and not read it as I had thought. Loving it now of course.
Guest chapter 30 . 4/25/2021
Beautiful story
leinchen chapter 30 . 3/31/2021
Thank you for writing and sharing this wonderful story!
Greetings from Germany,
misstresswillow chapter 1 . 3/25/2021
I just found this story! Stayed up all night to read it! Loved it!
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