Reviews for Hermione Granger: Agent of SHIELD
alannalove1990 chapter 2 . 12/9/2020
Loce this
alannalove1990 chapter 1 . 12/9/2020
Guest chapter 6 . 9/28/2020
I hope you give an explanation for why and how she became an animagus.
HiddenReaderNinja chapter 6 . 9/24/2020
no Tony, she's not the impossible girl. that's Clara
ptrtool1999 chapter 4 . 9/13/2020
fabulous story so far, but in canon the british govt has knopwledge of the MoM and the wiz world. so why wouldnt shield?
tinksauble chapter 9 . 5/27/2020
I totally love this concept. Thanks for taking the time to write it. :)
RandomRavenclaw10 chapter 1 . 5/15/2020
Rereading this series before I read your take on Infinity War. Can’t wait. I know I’m in for a good ride
Anonymous chapter 1 . 4/29/2020
Nice! Looking forward to the rest of the series!
Pokkle11 chapter 9 . 4/27/2020
This was refreshing, and I found it was still well written and I enjoyed it, even though it's been years since I last read this fic.
Pokkle11 chapter 1 . 4/27/2020
I just found an old document with some of my favourite fanfics from my old account, and this was on there. This brings back so many memories. I remember loving this fanfic but couldn't find it after a while.
Lionhearted21 chapter 9 . 4/17/2020
This is amazing and I can't wait to read the rest of this series!
Misti D chapter 9 . 3/8/2020
I never knew I needed Marvel/HP crossover until I found one. And now I've found yours and I am so excited to read more to see where this is going. Happy writing!
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 9 . 3/2/2020
very cool story
GerKayM chapter 3 . 2/28/2020
"He didn't want to pat her on the head amymore". I DIED IN LAUGHTER WHEN I SAW THIS! I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH!
turningtodust chapter 5 . 2/14/2020
Or the liquid and food came from somewhere else like a home where they had made tea already. And Hermione conjured it where she wanted it.
It could also be the humidity in the air with a warming charm. Herbs and food from a shop nearby.
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